Chapter Fourteen | Penelope and the Plan

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"I still cannot believe you did not warn me of your arrival

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"I still cannot believe you did not warn me of your arrival."

Penelope weaved around her brother's legs before finding a seat opposite him in the parlor. The sun was hitting the far wall at just the right angle to make Griffin's blue eyes bright and glinting. He threw an arm haphazardly on the top of the sofa cushion, picking a little at the seam of it. His mouth curled for a second into a look of distaste, and Penelope knew it was because of the cushion and its little tassels. Its hints of gold and expensive fabric.

Griff hated anything that hinted at money. She supposed that she would feel the same if she were born into wealth only to be given none.

Although Penelope hadn't really been given any money, had she? It had all gone to the marquess when they'd married. And now he was off on the continent, spending it. It was likely that Penelope should be just as jaded toward wealth as her brother.

But alas, there was only much concern she could put toward the way of the world, dratted and awful though it was.

"I did not know if my schedule would allow me to make an appearance," Griff said. "Did not want to get your hopes up, Pen."

She rearranged her skirts absent-mindedly. "Yes, but I did not have your rooms ready or anything."

"Penelope." Griffin fixed her with a stare. "I sleep on a ship for weeks at a time. Trust me, the accommodations you have provided are more than sufficient."

Yes, well, he did have a point there. But still. "It is all the more reason to spoil you while you are on land, then."

Penelope wondered if she should say something about Beckett's proposal to have her brother stay in the marquess' chambers. But she already knew the answer; Griffin would not want to sleep in that bed. She had not been lying about that. And Penelope was not exactly looking forward to hearing her brother's take on his dear friend sleeping in the room beside hers. So she kept her mouth firmly shut.

When Griffin shook his head, Penelope realized it was the wrong thing to say, to mention spoiling him. His mouth twisted again.

"I do not require any spoiling," he muttered. "Especially not from my little sister. Am I not supposed to be the one spoiling you?"

Oh, Griffin. He had a damned sense of pride, didn't he?

"It is my house party. I think it is quite up to me to spoil all of my guests. Not merely you, Griffin."

When her brother looked unappeased, Penelope decided it was likely time to move on in the conversation.

"Where is your friend today, brother? Usually, he is breathing down my neck by this point."

That caused Griffin to still and then chuckle. He shifted in his seat before piercing Penelope with a look.

"Is that so?"

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