Chapter 3

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Ciel suddenly heard a chuckles and look towards the person who made the noise.

It was King Zed.

Ahem. King Zed faked a cough and said.

"It was my first time seeing a person cursing at God"

'You didn't even know how cage keep cursing at him every single day' Ciel thought.

"Your majesty-" Ciel said but he was cut by King Zed.

"Zed, just call me Zed. I don't know why but it sounds weird if you called me that. Plus you are the child of God of Death" Zed said with a smug face at the last sentence.

"I'm not his fucking child!" Ciel suddenly shouted. It was probably heard by everyone if there isn't any sound proof barrier in his room.

"Sure" Zed said with a tone of amusement.

"Anyway, what are you going to do now? Surely you will not start moving around while looking like that" Zed said while looking at Ciel's appearance.

"Right... How much did you know anyway?" Ciel asked while tilting his head. He cannot really control the natural movement of the child body.

Zed who saw this holding back the urge to just pinch and coos at Ciel.

"Pretty much everything that your world's Zed know" Zed said while still holding back himself.

'So that means he knows about the hunters' Ciel thought while nodding.

"Hmm...I need to get someone to help me and be my representive or something like that..." Ciel said and started to think for possible choices.

Before Ciel started to think longer, Zed suddenly speak up.

"How about Cale? I mean he's probably not busy and you guys looked similar so why not? Also since you guys are basically the same person I'm sure you will be able to convince him" Zed suggested.

Ciel started to smile brightly.

"You're right! You really are admirable for you wiseness" Ciel exclaimed while still smilling brightly.

Zed narrow his eyes at the sudden brightness. Zed started to move his hand towards Ciel and suddenly pinch Ciel's cheek.

"Hwhat Thwe Hweck Zwed?!" (What the heck Zed?!)

"You know...It's dangerous if you smile like that. You could get kidnapped" Zed said seriously while releasing his hand.

"...What? Why would they kidnapped someone like me? I'm useless and I won't give them whatever they want" Ciel said while rubbing his cheek.

"Haaa...It's not like that- Whatever, so where are you going to stay for a while?" Zed asked.

"I plan to live in the villa for a while but I want to give the villa to Cale..."

"The Super Rock Villa?" Zed asked.

"Yes, I'm thinking giving Cale The Super Rock Villa since I'm not going to be here forever" Ciel said while shrugging.

Zed just nod at that statement but his eyes became a bit solemn. He knew he just met Ciel but he couldn't help but to like this kid and now he doesn't know how to feel about Ciel leaving...

Gasp. A sudden gasp brought Zed to his senses. Zed look at Ciel who seemed to have a 'brilliant' idea.

"What about here? I can build my 'room' in your room. It's also convenient since I can easily meet you here" Ciel explained his 'brilliant' idea.

"Yes, that's a good idea" Zed said while nodding. Zed really think that this is a good idea since he can always check on Ciel in case something happen. (He just wanted to see Ciel)

"But how are you going to build it in my room? There is no way we're going to ask mages to do it. They would think that it's weird that the king wanted to build an extra room, they would be suspicious" Zed stated. He knows that Ciel must have solution to this since he's the one who suggested it. But Zed didn't know how so he asked.

Ciel just make a toothy grin.

"We don't need mages, I'll do it myself" Cale said.

Zed just raised an eyebrow.

"You can use magic? I thought if you have ancient power you cannot use magic" Zad said. He is confused since he know that Ciel has ancient powers.

"That stupid God made this body so that I can use magic and now I want to try use it" Ciel said excitedly. He knows how to control mana even though he cannot use mana in his previous body because when Eruhaben or Sheritt teaches Raon magic he was always there, because he got nothing better to do. He also recorded the step by step that Eruhaben or Sheritt teach Raon just in case he needed to remind Raon how to do it.

"You know, it's not that easy to control mana" Zed said slightly concern because if the mana got out of control this room would probably explode.

"I know" Ciel said and a red blood coloured light suddenly came out from his hand.

It was the last thing Zed saw before suddenly the room covered in a blood coloured light and make a rumble sound. Zed closed his eyes because at the sudden brightness.

When Zed opened his eyes, he could see an extra room that appeared out of nowhere. His jaw drop.

"Hehehe, I did it in my first try" Ciel said.

"Wha-wait, How is there a room here? I'm sure that there was only wall there?!" Zed is really surprise by this, usually mages make room that have space so they could just made the room on that space. But there is nothing but a wall here. Heck the mages weren't even supposed to build the room alone.

"I connected it to another 'room' that I just made. I even made it so that people can only see the door if they press this thing here" Ciel exclaimed happily while placing his hand on the wall. He is happy that he succeed on his first try using mana.

Zed is baffled.

'You connected it to another room and made it a secret room in an instant and without exhausting your mana?! Is that even possible for a human?!'

Zed had choose throw his common sense away and treat this impossible feat as normal.

~Meanwhile with Ciel~

'I think this is good enough. Eruhaben can make it better, but since I'm a human, that make more sense, we can't compare human to dragon after all' Ciel thought to himself.

He is very satisfied, he even make the door to only be seen if a person touch a spesific place on the wall.

"Haaa..." Ciel heard Zed sigh and became confused.

"Is it troublesome to make the 'room' here?" Ciel asked, a bit concern that Zed might find the 'room' he build to be troublesome.

"It's not that- well whatever it's not troublesome, so it's fine" Zed said.

Ciel brightened.

"Then let's go inside and check the 'room' " Ciel said while pulling Zed's hand inside the 'room'.


Hello, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Funfact, this chapter is actually the longest chapter so far.


-Ciel and Zed relationship is more like best friend + father and son

-Zed is a little bit protective of Ciel

-Ciel mana is almost as much as a dragon

-Ciel is more good at controlling mana than the current Rosalyn in TBOAH

-Ciel is at the same level of the current TBOAH Eruhaben in controlling mana

Child fox!Cale in the world of TBOAHWhere stories live. Discover now