Part 72

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Nandini after finishing off with all the work entered her room to witness dark and the next moment she was pulled and her back hit to a masculine frame.

"What are you upto Manik?" asked Nandini recognizing his touch while he tightened his hold around her waist 

"Giving it back to you for rolling your eyes at me" replied Manik giving her a bite over her neck and then kissing it gently making her hiss as he repeated it thrice .

As he felt Nandini stiffening, he withdrawed making Nandini raise her eyebrows at him.

"I am sorry, I went overboard . Did I make you uncomfortable?" asked Manik innocently while Nandini fell for this guy all over again.

She approached him and kept her hands on his chest smiling at him.

"You can never do that Manik. I respect you and it just gets better with all that you do everyday . I am so thankful for you" confessed Nandini while Manik pecked her forehead

"But now, I wish to be yours in every aspect, I want you to be mine.I know you love me, I know that you know I love you but that small distance which is not and which never will affect us, I don't want that anymore. Lets do it" said Nandini looking into his eyes while he stared at her

"Are you sure Nandini?" asked Manik cupping her cheeks while she just smiled and nodded at him

What followed was a night of love,their love!

(You all I am not comfortable going deep regarding the intimacy. I am vocal about it yes but I just am not comfortable in writing the same so bare me with that!)


Nandini woke up to find herself wrapped in a blanket , the thoughts of last night made her feel happy. She noticed the other side of the bed empty. Before she could have given it much of a thought,her phone pinged indicating a message 

"Good morning wifey, had to come to the office urgently. The store wing had caught fire.Its under control,don't worry. Be okay please and also thankyou for yesterday. I love you!"

Nandini blushed reading it and went to the washroom to freshen up.She came out wearing a plain pink straight kurta with white pants that reached her ankles.

She was drying her hair when Radhika barged in the room making her smile as she picked her up in her arms

"Chachii how are you?" asked Radhika pulling her cheeks while she frowned

"Chachi? Excuse me? Am I not your masi?" asked Nandini putting her on the bed doing her hair quickly.

"Mom told me that Cabir  uncle is papa, so Manik uncle is chachu so you are chachi" explained Radhika innocently while Nandini looked at her clipping her hair as she sat beside Radhika

"Yeah okay but I am your masi first, make Manik your mausa" suggested Nandini raising her finger as if suggesting the best idea ever while Radhika pushed her finger down real quick

"No Manik Mausa is not cool,chachu is, you are chachi" declared Radhika with her hands on her waist not ready to hear anything further

"Fine. Navya is down?" asked Nandini earning a nod from Radhika as both of them descended down.


"Good morning everyone" greeted Nandini as she joined the Navya,Nyonika and Cabir on the couch.

Cabir hugged her while Navya smiled at her 

"Morning beta. Manik told me you were tired so did not wake you up." informed Nyonika before bringing her a plate of breakfast.

"Have it" said Nyonika while Nandini nodded at her

"Yes Nandini have it quickly" said Navya excited

"Why so much hurry?" asked Nandini having her bite

"Pandit ji is coming,their dates need to be decided" informed Nyonika casually while Nandini nodded knowing why she was not 'too' happy about it.

"Mamma, dad is not here. Can we not wait for everyone to be in the house?" asked Nandini

"Nandu it is just the dates, we will inform them na. " said Navya while Nandini nodded reluctantly and Nyonika sighed.


"Roka can be done the next Sunday while the wedding has to happen on 25th of January or else in December" informed the pandit putting forth all the dates.

"25th January? not even a week?" asked Nandini

"There is no other date till December then" said Pandit ji . 

"Nandini,we will manage. 25th January is okay. No Cabir?" asked Navya

"Fine if you are okay with it" said Cabir while Nandini looked at Nyonika who gave Pandit ji his shagun and bid him.

"Roka on 23rd and wedding on 25th it is then" announced Navya hugging Radhika as Cabir joined the two.


"Itni jaldi?" asked Raj as Manik,Nandini ,Nyonika and him were on the table having dinner. Cabir was out with Navya and Radhika

"Dad, we cannot help it. Navya is adamant" informed Nandini serving Manik 

"That is okay. Wedding has to happen someday  or the other but there needs to be enough time" said Raj 

"Raj,we will manage. We have 3 days for Roka" said Nyonika calming him down

"Hmm and we can have Roka and engagement together , Haldi in the morning on 24th,mehendi and sangeet in the night and wedding the next day?" suggested Nandini

"Perfect,you are the best" said Nyonika hugging her tightly while she smiled at her. Manik admired the two all the while.

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