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     Now, I'm not the most reliable narrator when it comes to things that take place in this fucked up town, but one thing I do know, is that the events that took place that school year, are indescribable. The summer of 2018, budget cuts were made. Completely different schools combined into one. Bringing the most interesting personalities together. Let me start off by saying that no one expected it to go the way it did. Everybody just wanted to get through the school year in one piece. Unfortunately things always get messy.
Nate liked Nini, for reasons he wasn't exactly sure of. She brought an innocent aura to every situation she was in. She didn't bring all of the drama like Maddy did, or having to hide like Cassie had to. No, Nini was someone that could be all his. There was no one he had to fight with to get to Nini, she was available for Nate to have and he liked that.

Nini was afraid of Nate. Not in the ways you would usually expect. She knew Nate would never hurt her, not like he did Maddy at least. She was afraid of the things he would make her feel, she was afraid of the seriousness that came with him. Sure, she's been with guys before. There was Ricky and EJ, but none of them shared the same intensity that Nate Jacobs did. He excited her in ways she had never experienced, and that alone terrified her.

He first saw her from across the hall, laughing with Kat Hernandez about something. Her smile lighting up elegantly. He immediately knew she was the one he wanted to be with. She fit all of his criteria. Her long brown hair fell down her back effortlessly, and her clothes were feminine without being too revealing. That meant that Nate didn't have to worry about other guys eyeing the one thing he could call his own.

When Rachel Barry first stepped foot in Euphoria High School, she knew that she would be the star. Who else could possibly compete with her in this junky town? Rachel knew she radiated so much talent in her pinky finger that it could put the sun to shame, and she was prepared to take the Euphoria drama department by storm. Thankfully she no longer had to worry about the unholy trinity trying to steal the spotlight from her. They needed glee club back at McKinley, but here? Here was a whole new ball game. With Coach Sylvester taking over the cheer team, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez and Britney S. Pierce were now the least of her worries.

Enter in Ricky Bowen, all Ricky wanted in life was too just be happy. Not only was he dealing with his parents divorce, the breakup with Nini, and now a new school? Ricky was going through more transitions in his life than a tiktok. Maybe that's why he decided to spend time with me. Now I know what you're thinking... why would you ever give a Sundance kid like that marijuana? In my defense, he asked for it. Who am I to deny everyone of life's simplest pleasures? It's not like he was peer pressured, when Elliot asked him if he wanted to hang, he was more than willing.

And Cassie? Well, Cassie was hurting. That much was obvious. She didn't expect things to end with Nate so abruptly, and she never expected Maddy to find out. Losing Maddy hurt Cassie a lot, but not as much as the stitches Maddy put above her left eyebrow when she found out. After Maddy beat Cassie up, all of their friends alienated her. Not Lexi though, Lexi couldn't even if she tried. They literally shared a bedroom, and at times Lexi wanted nothing more than to be rid of Cassie and all of her bullshit. But she had to stick by her sister, so if Cassie and Maddy were no longer friends, neither were her and Maddy. That was fine with Lexi, she had Fezco to keep her company. And while Lexi was sitting on her feelings for him, and Fez was being awkward as hell, she didn't have to worry about Cassie getting herself into even more trouble.

Cassie was busy being shown attention from none other than Sam Evans. And maybe that's what Cassie needed, even if she didn't know it yet. A nice guy who wanted nothing more than to show Cassie the world. She was lucky in that sense, that Sam noticed her. And was ready to drop everything to be with her. Even if she didn't want to admit it, Cassie was terrified of being alone. Maybe it had something to do with the lack of attention or it ties back to before that. Her abandonment issues from her father leaving as a child. But luckily for Cassie, she didn't have to think about how sorry her life felt after everything blew up with Maddy and Nate. No, she had Sam now. And she was getting closer with Ginny Miller. Ginny understood what it felt like to choose a guy over your best friend. It felt like she was the only person who understood why Cassie did what she did. Something about Ginny and Cassie's friendship made it easy for Cassie to carry on with her life, free of guilt.

Max was still mad at Ginny, but that didn't mean she identified with Maddy either. No, Max wanted nothing more than to forget that any of this had ever happened. Her friendship with Jules made that even more easy. Max had spent the past month with Jules, Kat and Maddy. It was like she had finally found a friend group that supported her and loved her. They were fun, free, and careless. That's all Max had ever wanted. And that was exactly what she needed. Especially since Marcus had been hanging out with Elliot, Ricky and I. But that wasn't her problem anymore, she didn't have to worry about if not Max made it home at night, or if he was sober. She gave that up the minute he slept with her best friend. At one point in time she was convinced her and Marcus had some sort of twin telepathy, but then she realized he was a just predictable asshole.

Now I'd be lying if I said I didn't know Elliot and I were bad influences. But we've never pressured anyone to do anything that they didn't want to or weren't interested in doing. Max and Ricky started hanging out with us on their own volition. And while it may not have been the best decision, who was I to stop them? Sometimes Puck came around here and then, but if I'm being honest, Puck was kind of a dick. He never really had anything interesting to say either, he was a bum in a town full of junkies. That's fine though, because despite being an asshole, Puck had already managed to sleep with half of the school in the month he had been here. Good for him though, and no one really cared anyways. As long as Puck knew to stay away from Nini, then everything would be fine.

At least that's what Nate told himself. But deep down inside he wanted puck to make a move on her, just so he could fight him and save the damsel in distress. Nate longed to protect Nini, but it was hard to protect someone when they were so innocent to begin with. Nate wasn't happy when he found out that Nini sat next to Jules in Macroeconomics. Jules didn't even know why she was taking that class, its not like she enjoyed it. But she enjoyed talking to Nini, even though she knew Maddy would be upset if she ever found out about Nini and Nate, Jules didn't care.

She supported Maddy, but she wasn't going to let her dictate her friends. Besides Maddy was too preoccupied with Artie Abrams. Once upon a time Maddy told Kat that she wanted a love like Kat and Ethan once had. Something so pure and thoughtful. She was hoping she found that with Artie, she didn't know it at the time but she couldn't have been further from the truth. Artie had spent his summer cozying up to none other than Kourtney Greene. Kourtney was okay with hanging out with Artie, but she wasn't in love with him. No, something about Marcus Baker's corny t-shirts made her laugh more than anything. Which was weird, because she was never the type of girl to think those kinds of things were funny.

One person Nate hated just as much as Jules was Kurt Hummel. He hated how open Kurt was and how much Kurt disrupted the peace. He hated that Kurt and Blaine Anderson were so annoyingly in love. Remember when I said last year that Nate still hadn't come to terms with his sexuality? Don't hold your breath. Nate made it his mission to make Kurt's life a living hell. Kurt called Nate a Karofsky 2.0 and while Kurt didn't care what Nate had to do or say, he knew he couldn't spend his last year of high school going through this again.
That's not even the beginning of what happened within the first month, not even half of the people involved in the downfall. Before we dive further into this story, don't forget that I'm not the most reliable narrator.

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