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"They say keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, so where, my dear, should I have kept you?"

Toxic lovers. Part 1

"P-PLEASE!- MERCY! I-I ONLY DID IT BECAUSE-!" The man was interrupted by the trigger of a gun being pulled, releasing a bullet, shooting directly into the man's head "Maybe I should've let him finish, it would explain things but I'm not getting paid to sit and listen to excuses." The killer- oh, wait. Claude.

Claude reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, pressing his contacts and pressing on a number, "Did you finish the job?" a voice was heard on the other side of the phone Claude nodded and opened his mouth to speak "Yes yes, I killed the 'Bastard traitor spy.' as you ordered me to." "thank you so much! He held very valuable information, I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Claude rolled his eyes at how he could practically hear the smile that was plastered into the other man's face, he also cringed at how he tried to butter him up, probably trying to lower the price of the payment he owed.

"well, you can start by sending the 8,000 to my bank account, a pleasure doing business with you." "But-" He cut the other off before he could say anything "And may I remind you, if I don't get the money in 48 hours, your small mafia will be short a leader." he ended the call, not giving the other man the chance to speak. Putting his phone back in his pocket.

Claude walked down an abandoned street, minding his own business, heading into an alleyway, leaning against a wall and pulling out a small rag and a knife, cleaning whatever remains he had on it, making sure it was clean enough to see himself in the reflection.

A group of men in red suits approached him, but Claude didn't look up, he only continued to clean his knife. "Can I help you?" he said calmly, his eyes looking up, but his head still staying slightly down, his cold gaze, the movement made the group flinch.

"You're coming with us, and if you don't come peacefully, w-we'll have to take you b-by force!" one of them said while raising their guns and pointing them at Claude, Claude chuckled "By force? You really think you have the power to say something like that??"

The group flinched, separated into two groups, lining up on the side as a taller man in a black suit stepped in front of them all of the others, Claude raised his eyebrow, "Who're you supposed to be?" Claude asked unimpressed, staring down the figure, un-intimidated.

"Haha! Tough one are we?" The taller figure spoke, smirking while looking at Claude, Claude glared at the other's smirk, "State your business, my time is valuable and yours will continue to run out if you continue to pester me like a bug." Claude coldly said, "Ooh! Scary~" Claude quickly pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot in the sky "Speak."

"Fine fine! Well, you may know me as the Mafia leader of 'Mimic' Also known as Noxin" "Pfft I have no idea who the hell you are." Claude thought, he opened his mouth to speak "So?" Noxin looked irritated at the response, "So I heard from a little birdie that enemy mafias are paying you to kill my men" Claude's mouth went into an 'O' shape, but he said nothing, "Look, I'm willing to pay you 10x the amount they do to work for me, or you can continue this and I'll have to kill you."

Claude hummed and nodded "Hm, I see. Well, 1st That "little birdie" is a fucking snitch, 2nd I'm being paid to do my job and 3rd of all, I've heard about your group, I would never let myself be involved with a bunch of liar scum." Noxin's eye twitched, which quickly turned into a smirk, followed by Noxin walking towards Claude, grabbing him by the waist.

"Really now?~ Not even if I make you fall madly in love with me?"Claude cringed, happy that his face mask could block the disgusting smell of Noxins breath, "Never." Claude said, putting his gun to Noxins chest, "Get off of me." Noxin didn't listen " Awee.. but I enjoy this~" Claude rolled his eyes "Have you no shame?" "Nope!~ Only shameless for you my dear, now, what's behind that mask..? I just must know who's going to be obsessed with me~" Claude glared at Noxin "It's none of your business, get off of me before I shoot." Claude said, pushing the gun deeper in Noxins chest, putting his finger on the trigger.

"Fine. But think about my offer, will ya darling?~ I wouldn't wanna hurt the beautiful face behind that mask~" Noxin smiled while Claude scoffed, "Yeah, now, since you pissed me off and wasted like, 8 minutes of my time, I'm taking 8 of your men." "Wha-" Claude cut him of with the sounds of gun shots quickly hitting 8 different people directly in the head. Noxin flinched at the movements but kept on his smile "so fast~" he watched as Claude put his gun away and leave into the the Alley's, slowly disappearing. "I want him dead or working for me like a lapdog."

𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜
𝙴𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 1.

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