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Alex immediately started setting up his recording equipment, very excited to what he's planning.

Since his last raid was a success, he wants to do another one since it has been awhile.

He has a list of different discord invites on his computer screen, given by his fans from his own personal server. All he has to do is click on it and he'll join in.

Taking a deep breath, he hit record and now, he's using his internet persona self: Quackity.

As per usual, he introduced himself and explaining what to do for this video. Occasional jokes here and there, some mental note to edit some stuff out before clapping his hands and yelled out "Lets do this!"

He wasn't expecting a lot; he's the ultimate troll after all. The first raid server is a Brony Server. With Quackity's fake account, he easily join.

"How does one become the ultimate brony?"

Stuff like those stupid questions. he occasionally laughs at some of the members confusions, he can tell that some would join in just because, and it's even more hilarious when they're becoming frustrated from it.

Not long after, he got kicked out. He immediately started laughing from it before composing himself and raid another server. This went on for 2 hours. Some he stayed longer to keep the jokes coming, some he left as it's not much active or boring to his liking.

Then he decided to give one last try before ending his recording. Alex looked through the list before something caught his eyes.

"Astra's Constellations? Well then, this sounds like an innocent server." He let out a smirk. "This should be fun to troll."

He immediately join in the server, a pop-up agreement should be accepted before fully joining in.

He couldn't helped but awe'd at the cute fonts displays he's reading. Noticing that the discord banner is this cool constellations of star designs as well.

Quackity shooks his head before composing him. He immediately click 'agree' on the rules to have access.

He scan through the lists of the channels. A bit impress with creative names to go along with the server theme. Noticed that there's a lot of different people interacting in the main channel text in slow mode.

He was about to start off with the chat when he noticed that the main owner of the server is online along with other members on the server. Probably playing some games together.

And they're on the VC.

He smirk widely, clapping his hands. "Alright boys. Let's troll the main victim here."

He quickly joined in the VC.

Quackity doesn't know it, but this Astra person is live on twitch the entire time. They're doing an event with the discord members of playing kahoot games.

It's their way of interacting and having fun with everyone.

"Oh look, another person joined! Welcome uh- quackityfan420? Uh, interesting name!"

Alex couldn't help but blink in surprise. Her voice sounds angelic

He shook his head a bit, unmuting himself and going back to his preppy self. "Why yes, hello! I just love Quackity so much, I think he's amazing!"

One of the members unmute themselves. "Dude, your mic is unmute. Go chat in the 'muted' text channel if you want to talk. That's the rules." A male like voice said.

"Whoa hold on, he sounds someone familiar." Another members pointed out, a bit more high pitch.

"Guys, guys. He's new. It's okay- Chat? What are you all spamming for?"

At that statement, Quackity's eyes went wide. "Wait, 'chat'? Are you um, live on twitch right now?"

Astra replied yes, a bit of confusion in her tone.

Alex then suddenly realized his cover has been blown. Everyone now knows it's him.

His chat had basically hear him talking.

And they're snitching on him.

"Okay, uh, bye for now!"

"Wait, dude-"

He didn't let the owner finished what she's gonna say as he left the VC.

He groaned out loud, rubbing his face. His heart won't stop pounding for whatever reason.

"I didn't know it's a twitch streamer's server. I wouldn't have joined in the first place."

He look back at the camera, which is still recording, before sighing once more. Taking a mental note to edit it out before putting up his persona once more.

"I guess we're gonna end that here, guys! We had fun, don't we?"

Alex did his usual outro before hitting the stop button, saving everything into his hard drive before slumping himself back to his chair.

"Jesus christ, that was eventful."

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