Chapter 16

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It's a few hours later and I'm finally ready for my date with jack. I decided to wear the outfit Avery suggested and I curled my hair an applied light makeup.

My phone dings as the screen lights up with a message for jack.

From jack,

Hey I'm running late can we just meet at the movies instead of me picking you up?

To jack,

Yeah sure that's fine.

I decide to ask Lia for a lift because if I ask any of my brothers there going to ask about 5000 questions and also probably have a problem with my outfit also.

I walk over to her room and knock on her door.

"Hey can you drop me off at the movies" I ask.

"Yes I can and you look so beautiful" she compliments.

"Thank you" I reply.

We're on our way to the movies and Lia drops me off just round the corner and drives away to go to the mall because she wants to buy a dress she saw online.

I sit outside of the movies on a bench and decide to text jack to see where about he is.

To jack.                    6:12pm

Hey where about are you?

I text him and continue scrolling in my phone waiting for a reply. It's been about 15 minuets since I last texted him so I decide to call him and see if he's okay.

"Hey where abouts are you I'm outside the movies" I say when he answers.

"Uh yeah I'm not coming" he laughs.

"Oh um is everything okay" I laugh slightly.

"You didn't actually think I'd show up did you" he laughs again I also hear another laugh through the phone sounding like Brooke.

I hang up the phone before he says anything else and just decide to walk home. It starts raining so I decide to let my self cry as I walk about 30 minuets until I'm home.

I walk through the front door and see Tom, James and Dylan all sat on the couch watching tv, they all look up at me as I walk inside.

"Uh why did you walk home in the rain" Tom asks confused.

"Yeah and isn't the film not supposed to end for another 45 minuets" James asks looking at his watch and checking the time.

"It finished early" I say my voice sounding croaky completely giving away I was crying.

"Why have you been crying" Tom asks sadly.

"It doesn't matter" I say beginning to walk up to my room.

"He didn't show up did he" Dylan asks looking at me.

"No and he said he was never gonna show up and he just laughed at me" I say tears brimming my eyes again.

"The fucker I'm gonna beat his ass tomorrow" Dylan's says looking very angry now.

They all begin talking about how there gonna make him regret standing me up but I just continue up the stairs and towards my room to collapse on my bed.


It's the next morning and I wake up around 7:30 to my alarm.

Wait that's not right normally I have someone shouting at me to get up or someone jumping on me.

Maybe they decided to be nice to me because of yesterday, but if anything I want them to treat me normally I don't need there pity.

I take a shower and wash my hair, I then pick out a simple hoodie and leggings to wear to school.

I chose my fluffy leggings the ones that have fleece inside. I do simple makeup and head downstairs for breakfast.

When I get to the kitchen I see all my siblings apart from Cole and Dylan who I'm guessing are still sleeping.

"Good morning liv how are you this morning?" Joe questions.

"Fine why" I ask pretending to be okay.

"No reason just asking" he says eyeing me suspiciously.

I grab some toast and add some butter for breakfast while everyone is watching every fucking move I make this morning. It's really staring to piss me off I wish they would stop treating me with there pity.

"Can everyone stop staring at me nothing is wrong" I snap storming out of the room

I go up to my room to grab my backpack to hopefully wait in the car until we go to school because I cannot be bothered dealing with everyone asking me questions when there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.

I get to the car and sit in the front and decide to look through the glove box in search for some gum because I'm bored and I still have about twenty five minuets until one of my siblings comes outside to take me to school.

I rummage through the glove box and fine a gun.



A GUN??!?!?!

oh shit hang on a gun. What the hell has Joseph got a gun in his car for. Why the hell does he need a gun in his car for.

I see Joseph walk out of the house ready to take me to school I quickly shut the glove box and sit back in my seat and put my seatbelt on and pretend nothing happened.

Just try and act natural.

"Look Olivia I'm sorry about what happened last night but that in no means allows you to speak to us with such disrespect this morning at breakfast". Joseph states looking over at me then back at the road.

"I know I'm sorry but I just got annoyed when everyone was staring at me when I said to them that nothing was wrong" I say.

"I know princess but they are just worried about you because they love you" joe says keeping his eyes on the road.

"I know" I mumble looking out of the window.

A few moments later we arrive outside my school about 10 minuets early and a few students are already here and more are arriving as we speak.

"Where are Dylan and Cole" I ask.

"That is something for you not to worry about princess" joe says.

"Uh um also why is there a gun in the glovebox?"

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