Chapter 1 (The Beginning and the find)

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Harry Potter POV:

I glanced around me, noticing the odd looks I was receiving from those in the compartment. I may have killed the Basilisk and it may have been proven that I wasn't the heir of Slytherin, but that didn't mean that people trusted me again, which annoyed me a lot. It was also incredibly annoying that everyone was crowding around Ginny, who was in the compartment with Ron and Hermione that I had just left-I wasn't in the mood to deal with their bs. I stopped in front of a nearly empty compartment with only what looked to be a first year blonde girl- a rawenclaw, by the look of her clothes.

I knocked lightly on the door of the compartment and she turned to look. I slid the door open and asked nervously.

Harry: Do you mind if I sit in here with you?

A dreamy smile spread across her face as she stated.

???: You're more than welcome to come in, Harry Potter.

I went in, sitting down across from her and asked.

Harry: What's your name? You're a first year, aren't you?

She nods

Luna: I'm Luna Lovegood. Most people call me Loony, though. I think the nargels caused it.

Harry: What are nargles?

We spent the rest of the train ride, aside from alternately leaving the compartment so the other could changes, talking about the creatures that she and her father believed exist, despite the majority of the wizarding world disagreeing. Personally, I figured that since we lived in a world that to muggles didn't exist, how did we know that what else could be lurking in the wizarding world. Ron and Hermione only came to look for me once and once they saw that I wasn't alone or upset, they gave disgusted looks and left quickly. When the train pulled into the station, Luna and I stood up, gathering our things and I said.

Harry: Is it alright if I write to you this summer Luna?

Another smile was sent my way as she nodded and said.

Luna: Daddy was going to take me to Switzerland to look for Crumple-Horned Snorkaks, but I'm sure I'll be able to get your letters, and I'll reply as quickly as I can.

I smile back and said.

Harry: Hedwig could always wait for your reply, I'm sure she'd enjoy the rest. That way you wouldn't have to worry about finding an owl to reply with.

Luna smiled, nodded and said.

Luna: That would be lovely, Harry. Daddy is waiting for me, though, so I should get a move on.

We hugged briefly, then followed the other students off the train.

Uncle Vernon was waiting for me on the muggle side of the station, looking rather annoyed. Silently, I followed him to the car to find Dudley and Aunt Petunia waiting in the car, both looking disgusted with the situation. The car ride back to Little Whining took ages, and it was mostly silent, other than Dudley's handheld video game and Aunt Petunia occasionally telling Vernon a piece of Gossip she'd heard about the people in the neighborhood. When we got to Piret Drive no one spoke a word, all of us just went along with our day, I did my chores and spent the rest of the day in my room. It was as if me and the Dursleys made a silent agreement to just not bother each other and just ignore each other. That was, until 8 o'clock in the afternoon. I was just about to go to bed when I heard the Dursleys talking about something. I decided to eavesdrop, what I didn't know then, was that what I heard next, would change my life forever.

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