The Spy and the Tiny

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It was 2am on the helicarrier. Natasha Romanova a.k.a. Black Widow had been called down to be briefed on her next mission. Suiting up into her tight bodysuit, Black Widow called up her partner, Tom, to let him know that it was time to go on another mission. When he received her message, Tom got up, tripping and stumbling about as he got ready to go out.

As Natasha was walking down the corridor, she was soon met by Tom desperately trying to catch up to her without yelling "Wait up!"

Black Widow: Good to see you got my message, Tom. Ready to go on another mission?

Tom: If it's with you, I'm always ready.

Black Widow: How sweet of you. Even after all this time, you're still never prepared for an early morning mission assignment.

Tom: And yet you look perfectly well rested. How do you explain that, Romanova?

Black Widow: My body has adjusted to working efficiently on as little sleep as possible.

Tom: You are a lucky girl, Widow.

Black Widow: And you're a very unlucky man, Tom.

Tom: It's always so sweet when you mock me, you know that?

Black Widow: Is that a serious question?

The two's banter came to an end as they reached a secret elevator hidden in the walls. They both got inside and went down to the mission briefing room, which was the lowest level the elevator could go.

As they went down in the elevator, Tom was a nervous wreck as he feared Natasha noticing his skin reddening from blushing. He found her to be really attractive and being this close to her was very difficult for him. Black Widow noticed how worried Tom was.

Black Widow: Something wrong Tom?

Tom: Nope, nothing at all!

Black Widow: Doesn't sound like it.

Tom: Really, nothing's wrong.

Black Widow raised an eyebrow at Tom, much to Tom's dismay.

Black Widow: Well let me know if that changes.

Tom: Sure thing.

Once the elevator reached the briefing room, Natasha and Tom walked out to receive the mission details. They were assigned to break into the base of a female based H.Y.D.R.A. group and steal data on their plans. With the mission details, Tom got into a blue one piece and stepped inside an unusual device. Two strange beams were positioned at the top at opposite sides, pointing down at Tom. Natasha walked up to the controls and hovered her hand over the activation button. She looked at her partner firmly, looking for his assurance.

Black Widow: Ready to play this song and dance once more?

Tom: I always am!

Black Widow: Alright, just making sure.

The agent pressed the button, causing bolts of energy to shoot out from the beams. Tom immediately shrunk him down to 2 inches in height. As Tom tried to regain his senses, he was then bored witness to the familiar sight of Black Widow standing before him at normal size. The sight never failed to thrill the little man.

Black Widow: No matter how many times we do this, I can still never get used to seeing you become so small.

Tom: And I can never get used to seeing you become so big.

Black Widow: Let me be the perplexed one Tom, you already have enough on your plate.

Natasha bent down and picked Tom up with both her hands, bringing him up to her face.

Black Widow: You know Tom, you're always so cute when you're small.

Tom: Is that a serious question?

Black Widow let out a gut busting laugh of amusement as she placed Tom on her shoulder and went to board the transport ship for the spy ops.

This is how many of Natasha and Tom's missions started out, and they expected this one to go the same as all the previous missions. Little did either know, this mission would end much differently.

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