That special night of drunken pleasure

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It was a long night and Scaramouche went to the tavern some drink some wine . When he entered he saw the one and only Mona,he ignored her and got drunk

He walked up to Mona drunk and picked her up taking her to his house

-Mgh,hey cutie~Mona said falling dizzy on Scaramouche's bed
-Hey fat ass~
Mona suddenly got turned on by what he said
He kissed her griping onto her waist
She let out a soft moan smiling at Scaramouche
-Oh~So thats how you really are~Just a little slut
Mona didn't know why but those exact words turned her on so much
-Fine then take off my clothes ~
-With pleasure ~
Scaramouche slowly started undressing Mona getting hard by her smooth and beautiful body
He thrusts himself into Mona without a warning while Mona starts making little noises she couldn't keep to herself
-What a Slut you are~
-Mgh~You're pretty good a this huh~?Ah~mgh~!
*it feels so good inside of her* Scaramouche thought
-Enjoying yourself~?Mona asked already knowing the answer
-Well duh!I feel so good in you~
-Ah~Mgh this feels so nice~mgh~!
They both started tongue kissing ignoring that they just cummed in eachother
Scaramouche cummed so much in Mona that it started leaking out of her asshole
-Its leaking
-I can see that fat ass ~!
-Mgh~it kinda feels tight AH~!Mona moaned as Scaramouche pushed himself back into her
-Why do you have to be so harsh! Ah~Mgh Aha~
-Why do you keep on whine~?
~They kept on going for 3 hours~
-Ah ah ngh~ so good...Mona said before passing out
Scaramouche passed out too
The time was about 4 am they both passed out at that time
At some point they woke up well at-least one of them aka Scaramouche
He was surprised to see Mona in his bed but he soon realized what had happened
They were both also naked and he just took some shorts and a t-shirt and dressed himself
After that he dressed up Mona preparing breakfast
He was sure that Mona wasn't going to greet him nicely but he was stronger than her that morning
She didnt have much energy because of what happend previously
When she woke up the food was already on the table and she started noticing the unfamiliar surrounding
-Good,you finally woke up  .Scaramouche greeted her
-What where am i why are you here?!Mona started asking questions panicking
-At my place dont worry you're fine.
*Why do my legs feel sore ? What happend last night i cant recall?* Mona thought to herself
-Well are you coming to eat?
Scaramouche said causing Mona to snap out of what she was thinking
-Why would i have breakfast with a fatui , hmph ! You probably poisoned it!
-Now why would i do that to my good food?
-I dont know , you're a fatui s-so i should expect it!
-Yea right,just come eat already
They both sit down at the table , Scaramouche sat next to Mona while Mona hesitated to eat the food that was given to her
-Arent you going to eat?
-W-Well i dont trust you!
-You did trust me whit your body ... Scaramouche mumbled
-Did you say something ?Mona asked clueless
-No but im going to spoon feed you if you dont eat yourself
-I-Im just not hungry!
*Ugh so stubborn * Scaramouche thought before picking up a spoon and shoving food into Mona's mouth
After that Mona pushed the spoon away from her mouth
-Why are you even trying?!
-Because because i want too
Scaramouche put some food into his mouth and kissed Mona pushing the food into Mona's mouth
-MGH-MGh-Mgh~mgh , Mona moaned as she stopped trying to fight back
They both pulled away after some minutes
Scaramouche pinned Mona onto the couch and smirked at her while lifting her chin up
-You're kind of a good kisser ... Mona mumbled not making eye contact with Scaramouche
-Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you
-Hmph! No you did hear me stupid fatui !
(Narrator speaking well basically typing)
Pause bc i have 699 words😋 anyway ill stop

 Mona mumbled not making eye contact with Scaramouche -Could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you -Hmph! No you did hear me stupid fatui !(Narrator speaking well basically typing)Pause bc i have 699 words😋 anyway ill stop

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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