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"You know it's okay to cry right?" he asks laughing. I love his laugh. I could listen to it all day and I would't get tired of it. "I don't like crying in front of people" I Say turning around walking away making my way to look for Bella again.

"Natalie!! You almost got fucking raped!! Can you just slow down for a second!?!??!" He shouts. I just realised the whole pack was stading behind him "Thanks a lot Jacob" I say before running off with the wind.

"Fuck!" I hear him yell. I don't care he should have known when to shut the fuck up. When I wanna be alone I'll be alone and he should've known that.

I don't want anyone around me anymore. I jump at every little sound now. What is wrong with me!? I don't like this one bit! I'm too vulnerable!

I should probably clear my mind a bit and stay away from the pack especially from Jacob. But for now I have to find Bella.

I don't even know where to look anymore I feel like I've searched the whole forest.

It's fucking midnight I've literally searched the whole forest. Wait didn't I catch her scent back there? Oh my God YES I DID God I'm so stupid. Now I just have to get back there and catch her scent again. I'm back at the point where I caught her scent  but it fainted. HOW THE FUCK!?Shit it rained! Right I forgot. God that rougue messed up my mind

But I guess it's normal right? Well all I got is my gut now. So follow your gut people!! Alright I'm going the way I remember where the scent waas going. I walked and walked when I came across a little hut. I picked her scent up again. It was strong she is here!!!!! Finally!!!!

I was sneaking up to the hut. I'm quieter as a wolf so J don't change back.

When I'm close enough to a window I take a peek. Obviously it was harder in my wolf form but I managed.

What I see inside puts me in shock

Bella all bloody and bruised tied to a chair and in front of her VICTORIA????? What the fuck?! We told the Cullen's to kill her!!

I wasn't scared of her. So I just turn back to human and burst through the door

"Ohhh look who decided to join us" Vicotria says smirking walking around a bloody bruised beaten Bella

"Look you have two options here 1. Die 2. Take your shit and leave" I say motioning with my hands

"I'll take three!" She says "there is no three?" I say so obvious "Three is get lost and let me do my business!" She says turning her back to me

I take the opportunity and kick her with my leg. She falls down instantly "you know I'd love to go with 1. But I'm curious what the Cullen's have to say about this" I say with a disgusted face crouchingg over Victoria

"So we'll go with option four" With that said I punch her in the face as she blacks out

"Bella! You okay?" I ask untieing her. She chuckles "do I look okay to you?" She asks "no you look horrible" I say giggling "thanks Nat!" She says hugging me

"What are you gonna do about her?" She asks pointing to Victoria "leave that to me" I say looking at Victoria. A smirk falling across my face

I tie Victoria's hands up and leg's. I also put a rope around her neck. I wasn't gonna carry her obviously. I was gonna mop the forest floor with her.

I tied a longer rope to the rope on her neck. She was still unconscious so that was good. I mean I'd love to hit her again but whatever.

It's been a while since we started walking. She should wake up any minute. I smile when I hear her coughing and gagging

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