{Chapter 1 - Beginnings}

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M. wasn't all that too interesting of a fellow. His posture was good, his face always set in a deep frown as if his it was made that way and he had a rather rude attitude. He had always had this attitude. The other things he had gained from the moulding hands of life and how they threw him into whatever they could, almost as if they were trying to perfect a broken piece of clay. Crowly had always had things tough. His childhood was rather shaky to say the least but his mind protected himself from most of it. Walling it off like the monster it was. He kept that part of his past under the vice grip of his conscious in attempts to stop himself from breaking down like a rock overtime, crumbling to the ground and his cheeks covered in tears. He refused to let that happen to him. The one thing he had kept from his childhood was a segmental part of his ego. Only a little fraction compared to his former self, a teen who had taken joy in promoting himself as if he was some commercial that seemed too good to be true and in fact, was.

M. stood in the lobby of the grand building that he had been put in charge of. This building was a school. During the interviews, the former Vice-Principal had taken a liking to him immediately, giving him the job without even going through qualifications or anything. He found this rather  suspicious but took the job anyway. Said Vice-Principal was later fired when he found her rummaging through his personal belongings in his un-used dormitory provided by the school.

He glanced around, watching the students scurry along like mice as he stalked his way to the counter of the cafe. He pushed his glasses back into their correct place on his nose and ordered his usual, a black coffee. He watched the attendant make it, his frown deepening when he noticed a tea-spoon of sugar enter the cup. The server put the lid on the cup, passing it over with a smug grin. 

"I thought you needed some sweetness in your life." She chirped as her grin grew on her face like a weed. He intended to exterminate this weed in a rather quick haste. Crowly took a deep breath, keeping his fire-filled temper behind bars as he replied with a hint of venom on his tongue. 

"I am perfectly fine without any sugar in my coffee." The attendant's face quickly dropped as she rolled her eyes. She knew her attempt to make him laugh had failed miserably like a lead balloon, going onto the next customer as he walked off. He pushed the spruce door open with his hand, feeling the wood on his bare knuckles before making his way inside and flicking the door shut with the back of his heel. Crowly dropped the cup into his waste-bin, a look of disgust on his face. The old leather chair was pulled from it's place before being returned as he adjusted his lanky frame to it. He stared at the papers on his desk for a moment and then with a sigh, picked up his fountain pen and began to make his way through them. They were all legal documents as such, nothing too entertaining. His grey eyes pierced into the words as he lifted his glasses onto his crow black hair, greying at the edges from what seemed to be stress. He believed that his parents had called him Crowly due to this fact and how noticeable it was when he was a child. He pulled his turtleneck further up his neck, scrutinising the paper before him. This paper was about the costs and profits of the establishment.  Maths had always been his least favourite subject at school. He preferred writing and how he could craft such nice stories in his head, if he had focused that is. 

A knock came from the door, interrupting his thought process. His eyes pulled themselves from the page with some resistance, not wanting to leave their work and his head joining in, refusing to leave it's position in his hand. His words were bitter as he called in response. 

"Come in."

The door open slightly as a man made his way inside and gently shut the door behind. M. used these few moments to let his eyes wander their appearance. It was clear, whoever this brown haired man was, that they were trying to impress. The grey eyes paused on the man's face, his mind taking a mental picture. His face was rather pleasant to say the least, his blue eyes complimenting his skin. His skin was a darker white than M.'s own pale complexion, it had a warm hue almost. His scowling look softened for moment before realising what he had been doing and how he had been staring and hastily resumed it's usual frown. 

"What is it?" Crowly almost snapped, adjusting his glasses as he re-positioned them once more. 

The man paused at his tone before responding in a juxtaposing one. A calm, relaxed tone.

"I would like a job." 

M. paused, raising a dark eyebrow and looking the man over once more. His mind went to the fact that their recent librarian had quit abruptly after an argument, almost as if he was scared of the dark-haired man that was the Principal. This man would work. He didn't look like a complete imbecilic moron like most did in his cold eyes. He looked like he could handle himself. He'd work and if he didn't, M. would just fire him. It was that simple. He had the power in this school and he was willing to use it if he needed to. 

"What position?"

"I'll take whatever is open." The man nodded, a strand of brown hair falling into his face before he pushed it back.

"Currently, our only position is a librarian. How does that sound?"

The man's face lit up slightly at this. He knew it was an easy job and it wasn't too difficult. 

"That sounds fine!"

"Good. Take a seat and we shall do this properly."

The man did as he was told, his skinny body lowering itself into the chair. The meeting went on for an hour or so, M. asking questions and the man answering. Michael, as he said his name was, seemed like a nice man overall. He always gave a small smile at a few answers. A smile M. wouldn't forget very soon. It chipped at his cold heart ever so slightly, cracking it's frozen lake-like surface ever so slightly and revealing the warmer waters beneath. It seemed familiar but distant at the same time, putting uncertainty into his mind.

"That's all the questions and they have been answered appropriately. Enjoy your time in hell here." His lips curled into a small grin, something rather uncommon for him. 

"Will do!" The man chirped as he went to the door and stepped out. He hadn't completely registered M.'s half sarcasm it seemed. He chuckled quietly, picking up his pen to begin his work once more. Michael Dylan. The name rung a bell but it seemed as if his mind had shut the memory attached to it away. A small smile made it's way across his pale face as the mental picture of the man came back. It seemed something he hadn't expected to was surfacing the lake of his heart once more. A warm something.  


G'day all! 

I hope you like this updated version! I 100% prefer this one! Working on the rest of the chapters so stay tuned! 

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