{Chapter 2 - Soulless Ginger}

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M. was sat at his desk once more, his sleepless eyes running over the words in front of him. He was forced to re-read the papers over and over, his distracted yet still tired mind unable to completely focus itself into his usual mind set of work. He scrunched up his face, un-scrunching it as if it would demolish the wall his mind was being kept in. Regardless of this, his thoughts remained a jumbled puzzle of distractions. Crowly groaned, crossing his arms and putting his head atop them. Today wasn't any different than yesterday or the days before that, yet, his mind still struggled to stay fixated on his work as it usually did. 

This just wasn't right. 

His lungs let out a breath, sounding much like a sigh as he pushed himself from his desk, jogging the pen left on it before straightening himself up. He bent out his back, a small click coming from it and in turn, earning a wince from the man. Crowly rubbed his cloudy eyes and pushed the door open as he walked out his office. He glanced at the grand clock by the cafe, the hands moving slowly as if it were taking the very life out of the clock with every movement. It was 1:24. He trudged to the counter, ordering his usual once again. If this didn't help him focus, he had not much of an inkling for what would. There was no difficulty this time with the attendant, no 'sweetness' added to his life, no witty remark as such or a sneer. Just his coffee in a correct manner. He took it, feeling the warmth radiate into his cold palms as he walked off towards the door of his office. Before his hand gripped the handle, a voice called out from over his shoulder. M. huffed, turning to face where the voice had originated. In his line of sight was a ginger fellow, green eyes looking him over and a slight grin on his face. 

"What do you want?" M. barked in a low tone. All he desired to do was to continue work, not be bothered by this man who thought he was worth his time. The ginger's grin turned to a  smile as he stepped further forward. This smile made M.'s skin want to pull itself from his skeleton, his eyes jump from his sockets and his legs to bolt off in the opposite direction. His stomach twisted into a tight knot, his already pale skin becoming paler.  

"I assume you are the Principal, so I would like a job here."

Crowly tried as he could to push the feeling but the best he could do was suppress it to an extent.

"Come into my office and we can discuss it further." He turned with some haste, a haste that may have seemed too fast but he wasn't much to care if that was how it seemed. The presence of the man following him into his office continued to cause a pain in his gut and his spine to ache. He directed the man to sit across from him. His body adjusted himself to the chair as the process started again. The same as the day before. Only this one, he tried to get it over with quicker. His mind blanked the man's surname, only noting his first name


The meeting ended after 27 minutes, Callum walking out the door with the tittle of 'A grounds keeper.' This meant M. wouldn't have to be near him. His mind was unsure why the ginger man made him feel so uneasy and ill and however it tried to come up with decent reasons to explain it, none of them felt right. He just felt unsafe around him. Crowly shook his head, neatening his hair and getting up. He pushed the now empty coffee cup into the waste bin with the other three from the day. There was no point trying to continue work, his mind now had unanswered questions as well as the inability to focus. One image made it's way to the front of his mind, the image of the new librarian. His stomach slowly unwound itself, his skin settling and his eyes relaxing. His mind wanted to go to him. Drawn like a moth to a dancing flame. He pushed open the door once more, walking to the steps and striding up them with ease. His frown had softened slightly as he made his way to the library door. M. pushed it open, slipping through the small gap before shutting it gently behind himself. His eyes fell onto Michael. 

He was with someone. 

He squinted, adjusting his glasses as if to focus his eyes. Appearing to have worked, the figure beside him became clear. It was the ginger. Once again, his guts mangled themselves into knots as he made his way behind once of the wooden pillars. He watched intently, unable to hear the words falling from their lips but from what  he could see, it was clear Mr. Dylan was uneasy around Callum too. The ginger patted him on the back with a chuckle and the same unnerving grin on his face. Crowly hurriedly opened the door once more and pulled himself through the gap. He glanced over his shoulder as he walked away, the door still swinging from his frisk exit. He sighed, going back to his study and sitting down in his chair, the leather moulded to his frame. 

M. wasn't one to be made uncomfortable easy but that ginger had managed to. It still escaped him why though. His mind still grasped out for an answer, still unable to retrieve one. Maybe it was for the best he didn't know why. If he did, it might have been worse. How was Crowly to know anything. His mind had blocked off links to anything from his past. This man could have just been in one of his classes for all he knew. That still wasn't a satisfactory answer and his mind refused to settle on it so once more, he tried to continue his work again. 

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