Kim Victoria to Yoon Min-joon
Hey, you know what I just remembered? Our old clubhouse behind the creek next to our neighborhood.
I went there today, and you know what I found? Our old journal that we would use to tell each other secret things. Remember when you liked Jess? That was in there. I remember when you told me, I was a little jealous of her.
Then I remembered that night. The night that changed everything. It was the night before you left, the night that I did something stupid. It was raining and our parents didn't really care that we were out late because they knew where we were.
I was cold so you held me, and we snuggled on the floor of our clubhouse. You smelt like pine and the outdoors; I remember that clear as day. You were humming and stroking my hair and you made me feel as if I was the only thing that mattered. I looked up at you and thought I saw something in your eyes, obviously I was wrong. But I kissed you anyway. I knew you were leaving, and I couldn't let you go without you knowing how I felt.
I could have sworn you kissed back, but obviously I was wrong. I told you I loved you that night, but you rejected me. You said I was a pathetic girl that you couldn't wait to get rid of. You were right. I am pathetic. I'm texting your old number even though I know you probably got a new one. I'm texting your old number in hopes that maybe you'll reply and tell me you love me too.
Please reply Joonie, I miss you.

RomanceIt's been a year since her best friend moved away to pursue his dreams of becoming a kpop idol. Her life's a mess. Her parents constantly fight, her sister is a druggie, and the bullying at school got worse. Yet, she still finds the time to message...