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"Liiiiii." Emily pouted from behind me. "We don't have any classes put the laptop awayyyyyyy."

"Emmmmmm I have a quiz tomorrow in my English class. I needy to study." I felt my laptop being pulled out of my hands and jokingly glared at my red haired best friend.

"Nope. Li you've been studying for that quiz all day. You can have a little fun. Pleaseeeee?" She sat up, closing the laptop and setting it on the table. "Theres a party tonight. No alcohol, just a bunch of teenagers being idiots and playing bored games and shit."

'No alcohol' means that no one's supposed to bring any, but it always happens anyway. I sighed. "Fine. But if I get too bored I'm leaving."

She grinned. "Works for me." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet. "C'mon. Parties in an hour. Let's get ready."

I glanced at my shirt and sweatpants. "You're gonna make me change aren't you?"

"Yep." She grinned. "Nothing insane I promise." She smiled.

I just chuckled. Almost anything she put me in was 'insane' by my taste. But she knew me, what I was comfortable with.

An hour later, I was dressed in something I personally wouldn't have chosen, but I didn't entirely mind it. A dark purple skirt with a black off the shoulder top.

Currently Em was sitting behind me, braiding my hair back for me.

She always liked styling my hair, so I'd let her when I had the chance.

"Done." She grinned, her own hair just left loose around her shoulders.

As much as she loved playing with my hair, she hated styling her own.

"D'you want me to do anything to your hair?" Any time she did mine, I offered to do hers. She declined pretty much every time.

"Nope, I'm alright." She chuckled. "Now c'mon, let's get going."

"Remind me why I let you drag me into these things?" I chuckled as she grabbed my hand.

"Because you love me and want to keep an eye on me?" She joked, grabbing her room key and tucking it in her pocket.

In part that was true, her mother had asked me to help to keep an eye on her.

"Now c'mon Li." She smiled. "I asked, the only Alpha's that'll be there aren't total assholes so you should be okay." She chuckled. "But we can leave any time if you need to."

"Alright." I chuckled faintly and let her drag me out of our dorm.

It was less than five minutes until we got to the place, and I could immediately hear music before we even walked inside.

Em took my hand, leading me inside and immediately just getting me a drink, ruffling my hair. "Need anything?"

"No, I'm just gonna go try to find a quiet corner." I chuckled softly. "Come find me if you need okay?"

"Will do Li." She smiled, walking off.

I very quickly found a corner and just sat down, sipping my drink.

I generally hated these types of things, but I was quiet enough that most didn't notice me, and my scent was gentle enough most didn't catch it anyways, especially when there were a lot of others in the room.

I pulled out my phone, pulling up a book and just reading quietly. It was loud in the room, music and voices echoing off the walls.

Probably an your later, I glanced up, seeing the shadow of someone approaching me. They towered over me, in part bc I was sitting. I could immediately tell my scent shifted slightly. "Can I help you?"

"Mm maybe, what's a pretty girl like you doing sitting here all by yourself?" He grinned, I could tell he was drunk.

"Waiting on a friend. Please leave me be." I set my phone in my lap, my scent getting increasingly more stressed.

"Aw c'mon Sweetheart-"

"She said leave her alone." I glanced up to see another guy holding the others arm, pushing him back. The new male had ginger hair and green eyes as far as I could tell. "Go on."

He was an alpha, I could tell as much from the soothing scent coming from him. He smelled like cinnamon, and honestly I loved the smell. He turned to me, lightly holding a hand out. "You okay?"

"Oh, yeah I'm alright." I grabbed his hand, standing up. "Thank you."

"Any time." He smiled. "You don't seem the type to be here."

"I'm here for my friend, making sure she gets home. You don't seem the type to be here either." I tucked my phone away, looking up at him.

"I'm also here for my friend." He turned and eventually motioned towards a group of people playing spin the bottle. "The brunette one, round glasses."

I looked over, noticing Emily. "The red head girl, she's my friend. Seems she quickly got dragged into party games." I chuckled.

"Haven't been here long?" He guessed.

"An hour or so." I smiled, watching Em.  "I usually get dragged to these. Don't mind it because it means I know she gets home but."

"Yeah fair point." He nodded. "I'm Spencer." He smiled, holding a hand out.

I shook his hand lightly. "Lilah." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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