Your new job

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Y/N is you
Your pronouns in this are He/Him

I walked through the busy streets of Japan everyone rushing to get to there job, I went to my local cafe to get hot chocolate before heading to my new job as a assistant in a office. Once I got my hot chocolate after waiting in the queue for 30minutes straight I headed to the entrance of the building I'll be working at.

I took the my first step into the building then checked in and headed to the 85th floor to meet my boss. I got there he waited patiently sitting down reading a small book about manga  I then greeted him he got startled but then quickly went to smile he said," Y/N I'm so happy to see you, I hope we can get on well." I just smiled and said, " so do I" he then took me to his office and showed me around and I met all the other staff working there as-well.

He was in his office working until he called me in I went in and asked," What's wrong?" he  said he felt sick because he's been overwhelmed with work and then asked me if I could get him some water I agreed and went to get him it and when I came back he had his shirt un buttoned and his tie loose I passed him the water he said," Thank-you" I smiled and said," that's what I'm here for."

It's been two months since I first got this job, me and my boss have grew a pretty good friendship over that time period once he invited me to his private sauna. I agreed, after work I went to the building he told me to meet him at, we went inside and got told to undress and put a towel over us I done as the workers there asked I went into the sauna then my boss came in behind me and sat down next to me we started talking but it felt so weird knowing we are undressed and the only thing covering us up are towels. I couldn't handle the heat and had to got out I get so sick so I had to go home I messaged him "sorry"so he knows it wasn't on purpose.

Once I got better I came back to work he said he felt bad for making me ill I told him," it wasn't his fault I just couldn't handle the heat." but he just doesn't listen and still believes it's his fault for putting me under pressure to go with him I told him," I had a good time and it wasn't his fault." He then smiled and hugged me and then said to make up for it he would invite me to his house, "tonight at 5:30pm" I agreed because a house is better than a warm sauna.

After work I met him and he drove me to his house it was so big it wasn't a house it was more of a mansion it was amazingly decorated. Once we got inside he invited me to his room I agreed I sat on his bed then he turned to me and said," since I laid eyes on you Y/N
it was love at first sight, I love you," I was shocked i started to blush I loved him as well, I then told him that, he then started to un button his shirt and started to hug me on the bed.

I ended up spending the night at his house and we started to date.

I'll do a part 2 when I'm free so please be patient I done this at 1am😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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