chapter 5 the orphanage

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Y/n pov
*alarm rings*
Y/n: *groans* is it already morning yet
Then i remembered that today is the day where i am going back to the place where i had a lot of happy memories along with the sad ones today is also the day that i am goona leave the place where i recognised and understood myself i have some things to do today (she have already packet her bags and her flightis at 11 pm) so i tide up my bed and went to freshen up
Time skip after freshening up (y/n pov)

Y/n pov*alarm rings*Y/n: *groans* is it already morning yet Then i remembered that today is the day where i am going back to the place where i had a lot of happy memories along with the sad ones today is also the day that i am goona leave the plac...

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After getting ready i went out of my house and went to my garage and took my car cause this goona be quit a long ride

On the way to my destination i remembered i hadn't eaten anything so i went to a cafe near by and ordered some croissant and a cold espressoTime skip to the location Y/n pov And we are here the place i love the most

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On the way to my destination i remembered i hadn't eaten anything so i went to a cafe near by and ordered some croissant and a cold espresso
Time skip to the location
Y/n pov
And we are here the place i love the most ............ the orpanage i come here every week to play and donate stuff for the kids here when they all saw my care the came running towards i gave them all the stuff that i have bought for them then they strated dragging me to play with them as i was about to go Y/N!
i turned around to see sister Susan
Sister susan: hello my child how are you the kids missed you a lot
Y/n: hell sister Susan i am fine but i got to say something really important to you can we go to your office please
Child: but you said you will play with us *about to tear up*
I kneeld down to his size and said
Y/n: i will play with you darling i have to say something important to sister susan i will be right back ok
Child: okkkk you bettah keep your promise*whipping away his tears*
Y/n: yea promise
Then the child ran off to play with his friends and me and sister susam went into her cabin
Sister: what did you want to talk about y/n
Y/n: well sister i will be going back to Korea and i dont think i will come back any time soon * i said as i pooked down and sigh*
Sister: dont worry y/n it will be fine even though we will all miss you
Y/n: dont worry sister i will send the money for the orphanage every month
Sister: ohhhh my child you dont have to
You being happy is enough for us
Y/n: no sister i want to do this for the kids so pls let me
Sister: * hesitant* ok then whatever you want * with a slight smile*
Y/n: thank you sister and before i go here have it
Handing over a 10000
dollar check
Sister: no no my child i cant take this
Y/n: please sister just take it atleast for my happiness
Sister: no no please take it back i cant take this it is too much money
Y/n: please sister and this isn't too much just take it please
Sister: fine thank you for all the help you have done to the orphanage * with tears in her eyes*
Y/n: dont thank me this is the least i could do after you taking care of me making me feel loved ones again
Sister just stand up and went to me and hugged me i hesitated at first but then melted into the hug
Sister: you are the best thing that happened to me and i will always remember you and pray for you
Y/n: thank you sister you are the most kind and good hearted person that i have ever seen i will always keep you and the kids in my prayers and ones again thank you for everything i said as i left the cabin and went and played with the kids
Time skip at my house
It is 6pm right now i still have 2 more hour before i have to head to the airport so mean time i will just have my lunch as i forgot to have them i went and started making military stew as i was quite hungry .............finally it is donee
This is what it looked like

Then i started enjoying my lunch without even realizing my surroundings just melting into my food Time skip after lunch Hmmm it's 6:50 now I should probably take a shower and get ready for the long 14 hour flight Time skip after taking a shower I ...

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Then i started enjoying my lunch without even realizing my surroundings just melting into my food
Time skip after lunch
Hmmm it's 6:50 now I should probably take a shower and get ready for the long 14 hour flight
Time skip after taking a shower
I am thinking about what i should wear hmmmm i want it to he something comfy because this is going to be a long ride... oo this is fine

It's already 7:40 time to go to the airport i will miss this place i always will i just went and and walked through my house for the last time well i have bought this house so i can come here whenever i want after that i went out and locked my hou...

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It's already 7:40 time to go to the airport i will miss this place i always will i just went and and walked through my house for the last time well i have bought this house so i can come here whenever i want after that i went out and locked my house i will miss you then i went into my car i actually have a few cars and they all will be shipped to korea in a month so yea
Time skip to the airport
All the procedures are done and to be honest i was quite nervous for the procedures because this is my first time travelling alone other then the time when i came here but at that time i had an air hostess to assest me but this time i am alone and right now i am trying to find my gate and finally i found it right now it's 10: 30 so i still have 30 mjnutes left so i went to the cafe near my gate and bought aa iced coffee as i was enjoying the caffeine i heared my gate number being
Time skip to my seat
It has been 10 minutes since i have been siting here in my seat and i am in first class and damnnn i am surprised of how rich is Mrs. Kim lol yes i call her Mrs. Kim she doesn't deserve to be called mom after what she did and waited for 10 minutes we were about to take off so fastned my seat belt................ so this is the end of this chapter i will miss new york forever and ever and 1 day i make sure i will come back

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