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Addlington Palace was home to many but our story is about Prince Tomasz the other royals were different to tomasz. They weren't as free spirited or under standing as him this could often land him in quite a lot of trouble.Tomasz yearned to know how the other half lived, loved to mingle with them. even having befriended a few. He had never cared about social class or economic status maybe he was naive, it had just never phased him.This may all be down to his friend Larz let me tell you of their story .

Larz was like any stable boy who had worked for the King. The best there had been in a number of years. Working day in , day out just to make ends meat for hun and his father. His father was also the a blacksmith , his weaponry and armour was often used for the knights at the castle. Larz was on of the hardest workers the palace had seen in quite some time. He did many jobs from gardening, animal care , cleaning work in and out of the castle . He was also personal servant to the Prince himself. They were also the best of friends have been since thee were at least 7 years old. It was always easier to find a friend at that age , no responsibility, no deadlines or pretentious parties, he's never call the prince pretentious as he wasn't like everyone  else, he just could help but hate his lifestyle was all or at least the life style that he was born into. The morning and evenings they spend together where always his favourite time of day. Spending 30 minutes at a time just talking with the prince like old days . Even stealing a glance or two. As being careful as possible as to not get caught.

With the amount of work and responsibilities they both have everything has to be done right

That reminds him that he has to go get the Prince ready for a dinner with the other Royal Families who have come to visit.Expensive suits , big meals and most of all a very long night. The families where coming to present there suitors for the Princess Thalia's Betrothal. Tomasz is next in line and neither of them where looking forward to it at all.

He was now in Tomasz' quarters "Sire". He knocked twice then entered into the large grey bedroom. "What have I told you dear Larz , Please just use my name" , this was a regularly occurring conversation between the pair "I know Sire but your going to be married soon, how will the fair maiden feel if I use your name ?" . The mere mention of marriage brung and eary gloom to the room . "You know that's not what I want " Tomasz sighed and rose from his spot into he bed making his way over the room to start undressing. "I understand that it isn't what you want Tomasz but it is how your life has to go , Can we worry about this later?" . Larz starts pulling out Tomasz outfit for the evening Black Tie as always , dinner jackets and ruffly shirts. "Who is Tali thinking of joining with them Sire ?" . Tomasz let out a sigh and rolled his eyes while buttoning his shirt "Barron Cresslers ward ,Andrews " . Larz could understand Tomasz' disgust Andrew did seem a bit slimy and rather strange "He does seem strange my lord, Who would you chose if they where yours ?" Once Tomasz was dressed he turned to Larz and said "I wouldn't pick my dear Larz , I have my suitor right here " with a quick peck on the cheek Tomasz leaves .

After cleaning up the room Larz makes his way back home to have some food before getting back to work. The castle was beautiful to everyone who stepped foot in it. High marble ceilings , silk curtains , grand staircases , red carpets and sculptures as big as he is . So much difference to him own home , not a speck of dust or dirt in sight. All the rooms were warm and homey. His home was a twenty minute walk from the castle itself. On his stroll he saw the beggars and the children running around just having fun , covered in dirt , rugged clothes , Horses pulling carriages. It was dark out so the only light that lit his way was the fire light.

Once home he checked on his father who was asleep on the bed. Soup was heated on the stove all ready to eat "carrot and leek again yay". After scarring down his soup he cleaned up the house a tiny bit."having a nap right now would be great " . But back to the castle he strode. As he walked back he remembered how the kingdom used to be its changed so much. The kingdom has gone to ruin in the last few years the smoke filled the air suffocating him and burning the hairs in his nose , the trees in the Forrest don't even sprout well anymore . It's all gone. Arriving back at the castle I can see that the celebration are in full swing, loud cheering and music , dancing and drinking. I hate it when it's like this, hectic . Tomasz was at the other side of the ballroom talking to his sister most likely trying to convince her to think about her choices in Lord Cressler again but she is very set in her ways her mind probably won't be changed. Tomasz had Larz' outfit for the evening in his room. Larz wanders over to Tomasz standing just out of eyeshot but close enough to let Tomasz know he is there for once he is finished talking to Thalia. While waiting Larz takes a look around the room and spots snakey Lord Cressler talking to a blonde haired women looking very cosy with her . Maybe he's not the best choice for the Princess after all.

(Not done just a sneak peak )

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