Request Page [Open! :)]

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Alright I'm pretty sure most of you know how this works but I'll explain it for the newbies.

I'll update this when requests are open and closed. Don't request if the page is closed, it means I have too much on my plate at the moment. Hold your horses, man. Also, REQUEST IN THE RIGHT FUCKING SPOT. I swear to god.

I won't write NSFW, and I will NOT write pedophilic material.

If you request pedophilic material, I will delete your comment and ignore all your other requests.

Also, be specific as to what you want please. Makes it easier on the both of us.

Everything is gender neutral unless stated otherwise! :)

Status: OPEN

Request headcanons here! -->🥔

Request oneshots here! -->🥔

Reminder, this is only Sasha. :)

Sasha Braus Headcanons and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now