Part 73

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It was midnight when Nandini woke up for the third time. She was unable to sleep. It was as if her eyes were burning, that was what she was feeling. She got up to wash her face.The running water woke up Manik as well. He got up to see the washroom lights open.

"Nandini never gets up midnight" wondered Manik when Nandini came out with a pale and faded face. Manik quickly got up to check on her as she sat beside him

"I am sorry I disturbed your sleep" said Nandini looking at him

"Shut up, are you okay?" asked Manik 

"Its just light fever" said Nandini gulping down the glass of water

"Let me see" said Manik as he put his palm over her forehead to have an idea of the temperature only to widen his eyes

"You are literally burning Nandini" said Manik as he got up to fetch the first aid and sat infront of her frowning and hurrying all the while

"Manik calm down,its just fever" said Nandini as she was witnessing how Manik was panicking

"I know its fever Nandini, I want to know how much it is and I trust thermometer more than I trust you with that" said Manik as he put the thermometer in her mouth.

"It would be less than 100, I am telling you" said Nandini looking at the thermometer while it was in her mouth

"Can you stop speaking?" said Manik as she was constantly talking with the thermometer in her mouth 

"No I won't, you know the last time I had feve-" said Nandini as she was about to continue with some past incidents as Manik took the thermometer out of her mouth making her look at him while he was already staring at her.

"Just . stay . quiet . for . a . while" said Manik while Nandini just nodded at him , the intensity that his eyes held,his voice held made her incapable of saying anything more. Manik put the thermometer back in her mouth as both of them waited for it to beep.

"50.3 seconds" said Manik as soon as the thermometer beeped after 50.3 seconds

"What?" asked Nandini

"You still have it in your mouth Nandini" said Manik clearly talking about the temperature and just that.

"I still have what Manik?" asked Nandini with a tint of mischief in her voice even when her face was pale while Manik looked baffled and countered.

"Haww dirty girl,shut up" was all that he said as he took out the thermometer and had a look on the temperature. As soon as he did, his eyes widened in shock

"What the hell" shouted he as he got up the bed 

"What?" asked Nandini seeing him reacting absurd

"104 Nandini,this is less than 100?" said he as he thought something for a while and hurried out of the room

"Arey where are you going?" asked Nandini but he was out of the room already making her sigh

Manik came in after a minute or two to see her sleeping soundly again. The paleness was still not capable enough to overcome the charm and the beauty of her face. Manik sat beside her smiling. Patting her head , he soaked the cotton cloth in the warm water that he brought and kept it on her forehead. As he continued doing it, he felt her relaxing.


It was 8 in the morning when Manik opened his eyes to find himself leaning by the headboard of the bed while Nandini was sleeping hugging him by his stomach. He smiled at her putting her hair behind her ear and fetched the thermometer from the table to check if the temperature had dropped. He put the thermometer in her mouth making her flinch in sleep while he quickly started patting her forehead giving her the comfort dozing her off again.

He checked the temperature that was 102, dropped but still high. He checked the first aid but the medicines for fever had run out. Quickly dressing up in his track suit and covering Nandini with the blankets he went down the stairs to find Alya, Mukti and Dhruv along with Cabir on the table.

"Hi guys" said Manik hugging Dhruv who greeted him back followed by Alya and Mukti.

"Where is Nandini?" asked Alya

"She is not well actually , I would just go and bring medicines for her" said Manik 

"Oh okay, we will be with her if she needs anything" said Mukti

Manik nodded before going out to bring the medicines for Nandini while Mukti and Alya went up in their room to see Nandini up sitting on the bed holding her head

"Are you okay?" asked Alya as both of them sat beside her 

"Hii" greeted Nandini smiling at her while the two greeted her back

"Where is Manik?" asked Nandini

"He has just gone to bring medicines for you" informed Alya while Nandini sighed

"Okay, did you both have something?" asked Nandini

"Yeah yeah we were just here to help Cabir with his wedding jitters. Its all too soon for him as well as for all of us" said Mukti while Alya nodded at her 

"I know right, for a few months back we would have cringed away from weddings and today we have one of our friends married already while the second would be married soon , like tomorrow is his engagement , I don't believe this" said Alya chuckling 

"Girls don't you think Navya is hurrying a lot? Just after the dates were decided, she called at dad's fashion house for her lehenga, I was there too so I know I mean she is too desperate to be Cabir's?" asked Mukti chuckling munching on the chips that she took out from Manik's drawer. The boy and his love for chips!

"Maybe she just wants things to not be problematic" said Alya while Nandini was in deep thoughts. 

"What about our outfits?" asked Nandini taking the chips from the packet that Mukti was holding

"Should you be eating that right now?" 

All of their attention went to Manik who was on the door glaring at the chips which was in Nandini's hands. Nandini smiled at him innocently and kept it back in the packet while Mukti hid the packet real quick,of no use obviously.

Manik approached Mukti and snatched the packet from her hands while she sat sulking

"You can share that much Manik, come on" said Mukti

"Not interested. Mom is calling you two down, get out" said Manik keeping his chips in his drawer 

"You have got a rude husband Nandini" said Mukti before leaving while Alya stood up too.

"Nandini,if you are better by the evening, we will go for our outfits" said Alya while Nandini agreed to her as she left too.

"And now you Mrs. Malhotra" said Manik earning her attention

"Have your medicines" said Manik passing her the tablets while she gulped them down quickly.

"Good, freshen up now" said Manik going into balcony while Nandini made a sulking face but went to freshen up as it was 9 already.


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