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WHAT MARGO REMEMBERED MOST WAS HOW COLD THE METAL OF THE EXAMINATION TABLE WAS ON HER BACK. Her arms and legs were strapped down, 'For your own safety' her father would say. How naive she was to believe him.

The cotton lining of the leather straps itched her wrists as she awkwardly wiggled around trying to become comfortable, but stopped as her father turned around from his work station. He never outwardly glared, but his gaze felt intrusive and demeaning.

Seven year old Margo darted her eyes to look anywhere else and chewed on the inside of her cheek. She felt as if she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"What have I told you about patience, Margo?" The tone of his voice was coated in false sweetness, a bitter pill covered in sugar.

"It's a virtue." She said the words like it was the hundredth time and it truly might've been.

Her father began to feel the large syringe with a serum, but it wasn't the typical calming blue she had grown used to. Instead it was an alarming, vibrant red. She squirmed uncomfortably again. The straps pulled at her skin.

"Papa, what is that?" She asked him.

"There is a saying, 'you can't rush science'. Lets say I am just gently nudging it along, hm?" He said instead of answering her question. This only caused more worry. He neared her and she began to ramble panickedly.

"W-wait, I don't wanna do this, I wanna go back upstairs with the others. W-with Rita and Larry-"

"Hush, Margaret, it will all be over soon." With little effort he was able to hold her arm down and insert the needle.

At first, she noticed nothing. She relaxed thinking nothing had happened, but then the pain came. It washed over her like a wave as it spread to every cell, every vessel. A scream broke through her throat as her father stood aside with hands clasped patiently.

Ripples began to appear on her skin and small areas flickered invisible before shifting back, only to start all over again. Slowly it overtook her whole body until there was nothing left. Except, it never went back to normal.

Margo's chest heaved as the pain faded away. Her little face was covered in tears and her nose was running. Hesitantly she looked down to see that she could see through herself. She was no longer laying on the table but hovering over it like a ghost from one of Rita's old Hollywood films. Although, this time it was no trick of the light.

Sitting upwards she slowly lifted her arms. Her jaw dropped as they moved right through the restraints, as if they were never there. Instinctively she looks to her father. Instead of being concerned as to why his daughter is stuck in her ghostly state he is intrigued. She begins to breathe heavily with fear and the Chief only stares in wonder.

"Fascinating." He whispers. Margo looks at him in shock. Dread pools in her stomach uncomfortably.

"Papa... please help me..." Tears build up in her eyes at the way he remains unfazed by her fear.

"In due time dear girl." He said as he circled her. He stared at her as if she was a lab rat.

He grabbed a pen off of his desk and held it to her stomach before pushing it through her. The pen phased through her if she was a simple summer breeze. All she can do is watch horrified as the one figure who is supposed to protect her, seems excited.

'This isn't real, this can't be happening.' She repeats over and over in her head.

"Papa please change it back! Please I don't wanna be like this! I wanna be me again!" Her little voice raises as it shouts desperately. Her father only sighed exasperatedly.

"Margaret, this is a gift-"

"No it's not!" She said adamantly.

"Enough!" His voice booms through the room and flinches backwards with her lips snapped shut. Her wide eyes are petrified as he paced around the room. She can't seem to look away as he looks to her again with what seems to be an expression of heartbreak.

"You would throw away all the hard work I've done? All I've done for you for us to get to this moment?"

Margo is stunned into silence and unsure of what to think.

"I truly could not be more disappointed in your selfishness Margaret." He takes this moment to stare down at her before continuing, "I want you to stay in this room and think about how your actions affect others, affect me."

Margo stares down at her feet as she listens to his footsteps retreat. She holds up her hand in front of her face and twists it. Her vision blurs with tears and she curls her arms around herself. She fell to the ground with her knees tucked into her chest, yet the floor did not hold her up. She floated centimeters above the floor as her sobs echoed throughout the room.

 She floated centimeters above the floor as her sobs echoed throughout the room

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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ╰┈➤ so yes i am making the Chief a villain, xoxo. i hope you enjoyed reading!

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