Chapter 6

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"Your friends are something else."

Shin rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it," He groaned, watching as his co-worker restocked the shelves.

"Are they always like this?"

"I mean, they get a little rowdy at times, but this is just too much!" Shin exclaimed, throwing his hands up for emphasis. "I only thought a few of them would go this far, but apparently all of them are in on it! They're already annoying enough as it is- I'm tired of them coming in during my shifts and acting like a bunch of wild animals! Can't I ever catch a break?" He whined out in distress.

The answer to Shin's question came in the form of his favorite bell ringing. "Hiya, meow!"


"Jeez, I just said hiya, woof..." Gin mumbled, waddling into the store with a sad look in his eyes. "Do you really not like people that much, meow?" He asked, quickly perking back up. "You're such a loner, woof!"

Shin shifted his gaze to his chuckling co-worker. "Do not encourage him." he hissed, glaring as he watched him quickly try to cover up the laugh with a few lousy fake coughs. "So, Gin," He whistled, turning his attention back to Gin. "What brings you h-"


"Uh-?" Shin blinked in surprise.

"This is my friend, Kuro-chan, meow!" Gin announced, standing at the counter with a bright smile on his face.

"Gin..." Shin slowly leaned backwards, an apprehensive look on his face. "I know you did not just place a living, breathing cat in front of me."

The cat in question, Kuro-chan, merely meowed in response, taking a seat and licking his paw.

Gin rolled his eyes. "Well he's obviously not a dog, woof."

"That's not the point here!!" Shin cried out. "There's no animals allowed in the store! Take Kuro-kun back outside where you found him!"

"That's Kuro-chan to you, mister, meow!" Gin growled, gripping Mew-Chan tightly. "He's not just an animal, he's my friend, woof! How could you kick out a face as adorable as that, meow?" Judging by the look of disgust on Shin's face, it seemed as if the worker didn't find the cat as adorable as Gin did. "Don't tell me you're a dog person, arf?!" The boy gasped, eyes widening in shock.

"I actually prefer neither-"

Gin nodded his head in understanding, Shin's words flying over his head and out the door. "It's okay, Shin, meow. You don't have to lie to yourself any longer, woof. Even if cats are superior, dogs are super cute too, nya! In fact, I had a back up prepared in case you liked dogs more, woof!"

"Oh no, you are not bringing a dog-"

"Dog mode, activate!"

"Did Mew-Chan just move-"

Interrupting Shin for the third time in a row, Gin let out a loud bark. Kuro-chan startled from his spot on the counter, looking just as surprised as Shin did. Not even a second later, the doorbell rang.

Shin didn't know who he was expecting, or what he was expecting- but whatever it was, it most certainly was not Sara and another teenager waltzing into the store with Joe on a leash. "What the h-" He had almost forgotten that Gin was still here. "-heck am I looking at?"

"That's not a nice way to ask for someone's name." Sara scolded. "This is Ryoko Hirose, my best friend."

Ryoko smiled, waving politely to Shin. "I've heard a few things about you, it's nice to finally meet you."

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