The Restricted Section

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Hanako p.o.v:

"Ugh! I'm so bored without Yashiro and the boy here! There's nothing to do!" I groaned. 

"Hey, Mr. Tsuchigomori, can I borrow one of your books?"

 "Um, sure, which one?" 


 "N-no, not that one" 

"Why not?"

 "No reason, I can tell you about Yashiro-San myself" 

"No thanks, it'll be funnier reading it, you'll make it sound boring and old, and why don't you want me to read it? Is there something she's hiding from me?" 

"No, I just don't think you should invade Yashiro's privacy like that"

 "Oh come on! Either you let me read the book or I'll get the kids brother to exercise you 😁" 


"Yay!" I say while floating away.

(Time skip to when he's searching for her book)

Hanako p.o.v:

"Natsu........ oh, here it is Nene Yashiro"

This book will turn red one day, I have to make sure that day doesn't come for a long time... 

But other than that, this book will tell me all of  Yashiro's secrets meaning I can tease her more!

(Listen, I know his personality doesn't seem canon but bear with me here, I'm bad at writing characters that aren't mine)

 "Now, let's see what juicy secrets she has" I said flipping through the pages. 

"Eh~ what's this? A restricted section?" When I tried to turn the page the whole book closed on my hand. 

"W-What?! Um, Mr. Tsuchigori, is this normal?"

"Is what normal?"

 "There's a restricted section in Yashiro's book, and I couldn't read it, why is that?" I asked with a stern face. 

Sighing, he began to talk, 

"That's actually what I've been wondering myself, when I came across Yashiro-San's book it had that in there, unfortunately only Yashiro herself can open that part of the book, it must be something she really wants to forget" 

"Really, guess I'll have to ask her about it tomorrow" I replied with a sadistic smile.

(Let me just tell you guys, I'm rereading this because I'm rewriting this and I feel like this is the only good part, so I'm happy)

(Time skip: next day)

Nene Yashiro p.o.v:

Me and Kou were walking to Hanako's bathroom as usual, dreading what Hanako was going to make us do today, but when we entered the bathroom he wasn't anywhere.

"Hanako-Kun?" I called out

"Yes Yashiro?" I heard as a cold hand grip my shoulder. 

"GET AWAY FROM SENPAI YOU PERVERT!" Kou screamed, right before attacking him.

"Missed me!"

"Hanako, please don't do that again, you scared me" I said, but when I looked at him, he didn't look like his playful usual self, he looked surprisingly serious.

"Yashiro, are you hiding anything from me?" Hanako asked 

"N- no" 

(So please don't make fun of me I'm already doing that, I don't know why but my writing is so bad right now, I promise it's usually better, not actually but still. Also ignore the fact that she's stuttering for like no reason, I didn't know how to make her react)

"Then why is there a restricted section in your book?"


He started to take out a book from behind him and opened to a restricted section

"What- WHY WERE YOU LOOKING THROUGH MY BOOK?!" I screamed both scared and angry


"N-no" he replied a bit shocked

Kou just just stood there staring at us both shocked and confused

"Yashiro, what are you hiding from us?"

As soon as he said that I began to get flashbacks of that horrid place

I need to calm down

I need to calm down  

That's all in the past, it can't affect me now

Despite my hopeful mantra 

when I entered he seemed very serious. "W-what's wrong Hanako?" I asked to afraid to talk normally. "Yashiro is there something you're hiding from me?" "N-No!" "Then why is there a restricted section in your book?" "W-what?" He started to take out out a book from behind him and opened to a restricted section. "WHY WERE YOU LOOKING THROUGH MY BOOK?!" I screamed both scared and angry "DID YOU READ IT?!" "N-No" he replied a little shocked. Kou just stood their staring at us with both shock and confusion. "Yashiro, what are you hiding from us?" When he said that I started to get flashbacks and unknowingly started crying. "What- WHAT'S WRONG NENE?!" Kou screamed. "Eh- it's nothing I said while attempting to rub off the tears, but they just kept pouring. "Yashiro, what are you hiding from us?" He asked again. But I was to petrified to talk. I know he's gone, and I had people who made my life better, but it still petrified me. I started hyperventilating, it just scared me too much and I lost consciousness. The last thing I heard was screaming.

(Time skip to when they take Yashiro to the infirmary)

Hanako p.o.v

Hanako/Amane Yugi p.o.v:

"What could have been this horrible to make her faint?" I asked. "I don't know, but we NEED to find out, plus it can't be that serious" "I hope so" I replied sadly.
Suddenly Yashiro started to groan and woke up "What- What happened?" "You fainted" replied Kou. "Oh yeah" she said while putting her head down. "Can you PLEASE open the book for us? We can't comfort you unless we know what happened" Kou said in a comforting voice. "F-fine" she replied. SHE DOESN'T LISTEN TO ME BUT SHE LISTENED TO HIM! THAT'S NOT FAIR! I thought angrily while pulling out the book. "Just turn the page" I watched excitedly, she turned the page as a bright light appeared It can't be that bad, right? I mean it's Yashiro, it can't be worse then committing suicide I thought. (he didn't know how wrong he was.) When we looked inside we saw a..... dvd? (I didn't want them to just read such a tragic thing, then it wouldn't be as emotional) "Guess we're supposed to watch it" I said. "Good thing Mr. Tsuchigomori has a big DVD player" I said while walking to his office. "Hey, Mr. Tsuchigomori, do you mind if we use your dvd player, when Yashiro opened the restricted section of her book, there was a dvd, I think it contains the information she's been hiding" "What? I didn't know that was possible, I guess new things happen everyday. Anyways you can use my dvd player BUT only if I get to watch to, I've been quite intrigued it's the first time anyone has managed to make a restricted section." Then Yako came up and said the same. I looked at Yashiro, she just nodded sadly. "Okay" I responded. "Great, now give me the dvd" "Here" I said tossing it to him. I just watched super excited as he put it in, but as soon as he did we all got sucked in. "WHAT JUST HAPPNED!?" I screamed. "I didn't know my powers as an apparition could do this" Mr. Tsuchigomori replied. All of a sudden we were teleported to a home, "This is my old house" said Yashiro. We then saw a little girl with blue hair that looked like the sky and red eyes that looked like rubies. "Who's that?" I asked. "That's me" "O- WAIT WHAT?! YOU TWO LOOK NOTHING SIMILAR!"
"Just keep watching" she said sounding very dull. We then saw a man come in and try to touch her, but when he did he immediately disappeared.


927 words, next update will be Friday at 9:00 (hopefully). This took about an hour, and I feel ashamed because it took that long and came ou really bad.

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