Brrr, do you feel that chill?
Winter fairy's always get a bad rep, but that's only because they come off a little cold at first. When people take the time to get to know you however, they'll notice that there is something truly magical about Davina...
" your late" says the barbie blonde fairy, also known as Stella.
"Don't give me that look! It wasn't my fault!" I say furiously
I turn to the side and I see a ginger standing next to Stella and I decided to introduce myself.
"Hi, I am Davina frost, ice fairy what's your name?" I asked nicely
" umm I am bloom and I am a fire fairy but to be honest I only just found out three months ago that fairies even existed." Bloom said softly but confused
" oh you aren't from the other world?" I ask curious to know more about her.
" we have to go get settled in now girls." Stella says rudely
"It's a real shame nobody asked for your opinion Stella" I said sarcastically and grabbed my stuff and walked towards the fairy hall with bloom on my tail. As we got to our suite I open the door to see a girl decorating the suite in plants.
"What's with the plants?" I ask politely The girl turns around and asks " is it too much, I can take it down, I am sorry where are my manners I am terra earth fairy"
"I am Davina Frost, I Never thought something so beautiful could exist in nature. It's fine I like it, it just need a little bit of snow." I say smiling at terra " Wait did you just say snow?" Said a dark skinned girl walking out is a room which I assume her room.
" yeah I did why what's wrong?" I asked " it's just hard to believe that your an ice fairy?!" She said " oh by the what I am Aisha" " Haha ok just a heads up I wouldn't want to make me mad last time that happen I made an avalanche through the throne room" I chuckle
" wait your a princess?" Bloom said surprise " yes I am the ice princess heir to the glasur realm and kingdom." I say happily
Just the I got a text from riven
Dickhead🤡 Hey princess
Ice princess❄️❄️ Hey riv
Dickhead🤡 "Want some company; cause I know you have to bunk with Stella."
Ice princess❄️❄️ "come over here already"
Dickhead🤡 "I'll be there soon"
Ice princess❄️❄️ "Okay see you soon riv"
I walk to my room and see two beds, one is under the window and the other bed is opposite the window near the door. I open the door and I see that Stella has the window bed so I go over to the other bed and put my suitcase on the bed and start unpacking, I start to organise my side of the cupboard. It took me five minutes to unpack then I go and lay on my bed when there is a knock on the door "Come in" I say
Riven enters my room and walks over to me and picks me up and spins me around then puts me back on the bed. "Are you ready?" Riven asks " what for" I say confused " the party princess did you forget" Riven laughs " I might have forgotten, just hold on I am going to get Changed" I say to Riven " Okay do you want me to leave or stay?" "Riv your my best friend we are past this remember" I say as I walk to my cupboard. "Right okay" he says softly
Once I was at my wardrobe I pick out an outfit and then walked over to the bed and then kissed Rivens cheek and the walked over the bathroom. ( this is what you wear)
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You come back to your room and get Riven. "Wow, you're hot." Riven said "What did you say?" I asked " uhh I said that you're beautiful, you know that?" Riven says nervously " mhm sure let's go now please" I chuckled
We both walk down to the party with rivens arm around my shoulder and I just smirk at everyone that is looking at us, then terra comes up to me and Riven. "Hey Davina, hi Riven uh I was wondering if I could steal Davina off you Riv?" Terra asks softly " sure terra I have to go and talk to sky any way see you around vina" Riven says and walks off towards sky " I am all yours terra what do u want to do?" I asked " follow me" the earth fairy said I follow her Through the crowd when she stops. "Sam I would like you to meet Davina, she is my suite mate." Terra said "Hey Sam it is nice to meet you" I say softly "Hello Davina it is wonderful to meet you." He smiled "Uh Davina Sam is my brother we grew up at Alfea cause dad is a professor here" terra said " oh cool what is it like to grow up at Alfea?" I asked Sam curiously "Fun but never was around kids my age growing just me and terra" he said, we talked and laughed for the whole night and I didn't even notice that terra left to go and hang out with Aisha and I believe her roommate musa.
Aisha and musa and myself walk back to our suite wondering where bloom is. "She's blanking my texts" Aisha says "Strange. I wonder if it's because she poured her heart out to you and you called her a freak?" Musa said " have you seen bloom" I ask " not recently. Yes?" Stella says "Your face looks so calm, yet you're racked with guilt." Musa says calmly " your a mind fairy" I ask curiously Terra then says " A mind fairy? What's your connection? Memory..." But I interrupt saying "Not a great time." Terra then asked " is everything okay?" "Not really" Aisha says " we are looking for bloom and for some reason Stella is feeling guilty about it." I say with a concerned tone " Could everyone save the drama for drama club?" Stella says sarcastically " wasn't she taking to sky?" Terra asked with a worried look on her face " and?" Stella said "And I know what happened to the last person who was talking with sky. I was here last year, remember?" Terra says " Stella where is bloom?" I asked furious with worried look on my face "She was feeling homesick, so I did a nice thing, and lent her my ring so she could go back to the First world." Stella said " Doesn't your ring only work outside the barrier?" I ask "Yes and there is a gateway in the old cemetery" Stella says with an annoyed tone " that's deep In the forest Stella? You know what's out there right?" terra and I say and the same time