Chapter 9

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Danielle's POV

I heard sirens and heard the car leave. Me, I just layed there dying. I thought of Vic, I just bought him a stuffed bear because today was our anniversary. That's why he made me the best breakfast this morning. I just layed there with tears streaming down my face an blood gushing out of me. And then next thing I know, I was picked up an layed on a bed and was sent to the hospital. An then everything went black. Was this death? Is this how it all ends? But I never got to say my goodbyes?..

Vic's POV

I woke up from my short nap and thought of Danielle. I'm used of laying or cuddling with her an watching mean girls but tonight was different. I thought of Kellin so I was about to call him when I got a message saying,

From: unknown caller

Hello this is a doctor from Saint Colon's Hospital. We have got a patient named Danielle Victoria Perry and she's uncontious and she's been shot and we have looked on her phone and this is the closest person we know of so stop by?

After I got that, I rushed out the door and drove high speed to the hospital and barged in an asked where is she but all they did was try an calm me. "Please tell me where is she!!!" I said on the verge of tears!! Please!!" They said that she wasn't stable an put my hands in my face and currled my knees and put my face in my knees an cried. What if I loose her?? She's all I got... She's keeping me alive! Soon a doctor appeared and told me some things, um hello Mr. Fuentes? " he said and I nodded and said "yes." "Well the results come out, well, there physically bad. Well she has a woon in her left shoulder, she was shot and now in surgery for it, and its taken care of, and um..." He stopped and looked at me with sad eyes.

"I will tell you this when she up" he said. "No please tell me!" I pleaded, "okay, she was shot in her stomach and the baby might not make it." He said and all I can do was hug him and thank him and I told him "she's a fighter". He nodded and got back to work. I felt my heart sank but I know she will make it out of this alive. Good thing, she wasn't in a coma. I'm proud and thankful she's alive. Ugh!! If I lost her, my world would be done with. But a baby? I didn't know she was pregnant....

4 months pass

Danielle's POV

I had monthly check ups on my body and my baby. Vic and the doctor explained that we had a baby!! I was happy and I still am. The cops found Vic's Ex and arrested her for 4 years for violence and abuse. I was getting ready for the appointment. Its been 3 months since I got out of the hospital. I've been in there for 4 weeks. Sad yes I know. Buy everything was normal and I was just scared to be alone and the new rules in our family was,

" someone HAS to be near me besides at home and I can't be alone in public or anywhere outside of our home". I'm glad I got a family so protective and welcoming. I'm glad I'm getting my life back together. "Hey sweet pea!!" Vic said giving me a hug around my waist. "Hey babe, any new names?" I said and he let go of me and went to ask the boys for any ideas. Pretty soon all the boys started arguing over the names. "How about Julia!" Jaime said an then Mike said, "No!!! It's to lame an boring. JENNA!" Tony sat there quiet. I walked up to him and he looked at me and I rised an eyebrow, "any ideas Tone?" I asked and he nodded. "Leyah" he said and my eyes went wide and I hugged him and said "perfect!!" Vic walked over and asked what the name should be since its a girl, "it should be Leyah."

I walked over him and kissed his beautiful lips. He nodded an said the same thing. "I love you Vicky Poo!" I said an embraced his chest because I was short. And he said it back and kissed my forehead. "We have our little 7 month old girl . Can't wait till she gets out. Painful" I said in a worried voice. "Hey its going to be fine." Vic said. "I just thought of this. Its going to be painful!!! Vic now I'm scared! I don't think I can do it!!!" I said freaking out. Soon the boys rushed over and started calming me down and comforting me. "Well let's go babe." Vic said holding my hand an going to the check up.

At the check up

"Hello Danielle! So how are you doing? Any sharp pains, light pains, movements?" He said and I nodded my head. "Its fine, it's perfectly fine and normal. As parents for the first time will fear most of the time." He said and me and Vic both nodded an giggled. "Well go back there and it may take a couple of minutes to get it over with. All that did was weigh me, take alter sounds, and other stuff.

20 minutes later

Ugh we were on our way back home an I felt so tired. " babe you need a lot of sleep, remember what the doctor said?" Vic said. Awe he's always caring for me. "Vic, babe, you don't always gotta be there for me, you have a band you know." He nodded and then continued to drive. I knew he won't stop wasting his time over me. Every since I was told I was pregnant, I feel like I'm in Mikes, Tony's, Jaime's, an Vics way. Eh probably hormones I guess kicking in or I'm just tired. Ugh well I'm just going to slip in my bed and turn the TV on and get ready to sleep. I layed there for a dew seconds and then fell asleep.

During the night

I woke up and saw Vic wasn't by my side. I walked in the hallway and no sounds, no giggling, no nothing. Lonesome. I walked down stairs and saw the love of my life, Vic laying there dead. He wasn't breathing, he had multiple stabs on his back and there layed the other boys dead. I screamed and was stabbed in the stomach.


*falls and bleeds out*

"Please.. No." I said before I faded away in a sleep.

I woke up screaming and Vic was there holding my in his arms, I sat there and cried in his arms and felt my stomach and cried even more. I thought I lost everything i loved but it was all a dream.. Just a dream.. 7 months pregnant 2 more to go. Or earlier....I sat and layed in Vic's arms untill I feel sleep. "Shhh baby girl don't cry"

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