chapter 2

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The sun rises, and its rays fill the quiet room through the open window. The male figure lying in the bed stirs in his sleep. Taehyung opens his eyes, but closes them again as the bright light hurts his eyes. He uses his right hand to block the light, then sits up in the bed. Expecting to see his son, he looks to his left, but he finds no one there.

Panic sets in, and he stands up, looking around the room to find his son. To his dismay, he doesn't find him. As he starts to feel unsettled, but then he hears loud laughter that seems to be much familiar. He quickly puts on his slippers and exits the room, following the sound that seems to come from downstairs.

"Baby?" he calls softly, looking around the empty living room. To his surprise the living room is all clean. His things are place where they should be. The bottles of sujo he drank  yesterday are no longer there, and yes, he now remember what happened to him yesterday. From how Jimin visit yesterday, how he drank all the bottles of sujo he brought, and even tho jimin tried to stop him from drinking more but still went away with it, how he cried his heart out like how he always do everytime it's his anniversary. Now due to his crying his eyes look swollen now. It looks like he was also bitten by some cockroach.

"wow" he couldn't help but muttered.

He then hears another set of laughter coming from the kitchen, so he heads there. The sight of a tall male with broad shoulders, wearing an apron and laughing with his son, makes each side of his lips curl up.

He sighs in relief as he sees his son. He walks over to them, sitting on one of the chairs beside his son and joining their conversation.

"Good morning, bunbun," he says, kissing his son's forehead and getting a kiss back on his cheeks, followed by a soft 'mowing' as a reply.

"Good morning, hyung."

"Morning, Taebear."

"You didn't tell me you were coming here?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you guys and check on you as well. So, how are you feeling?" the male asks, noticing the exhausted look on Taehyung's face. He is worried about his brother and nephew's well-being, especially Taehyung. Yesterday was his brother's lover's death anniversary, and he had heard from Jimin, who was with them yesterday just to look after Taehyung, that Taehyung drank until he passed out. It was nothing new, as he always did the same thing every time the anniversary came around. He would become a sobbing mess, whimpering and mumbling his past lover's name, and saying sorry.

He would apologize because he thought he was the reason why his boyfriend disappeared. He had been blaming himself for the past four years, but his brother and best friend would always be there to comfort him, saying it wasn't his fault, that it was an accident that happened. Taehyung believed the opposite. All those years his brother and his bestfriend is always by his side and they will always look after their youngest. His brother knew he was suffering, that he was in pain, but Taehyung kept it all to himself as he didn't want to burden anyone else with his misery. That's what he thought.

Taehyung smiles slightly as he replies, "Good, I guess, just a small headache."

"Here, I made you some hungover soup. Finish it, then drink this painkiller," his hyung says, handing him the soup and painkiller he prepared. Taehyung smiles at his hyung and says a small thank you. He doesn't waste any time in drinking the soup because his hyung always made the best hungover soup in the world. Jin hyung smiles at the sight.

After some time, Jeongguk gets up from his seat with the plate in his hand and heads to the kitchen sink. He grabs a small chair, climbs up, and puts his used plate in the sink. Taehyung had taught him to do that, so he was the one who put his used plate in the sink. Jeongguk comes back down, going to his mama's side.

Tugging on the hem of Taehyung's shirt to get his attention, Jeongguk looked up at him with his big, blinking bambi eyes.

"I'm done now, Mama. Can I play now?" he asked excitedly.

Taehyung smiled and ruffled his hair, nodding in agreement. Jeongguk's eyes lit up, and he flashed his bunny smile before kissing his mama and uncle's cheeks. He then ran towards his room but stopped when he heard his mama shouting not to run, warning him that he might fall and get hurt. He shouted back, "Otay," and walked carefully to his room to play with his toys.

In the kitchen, after the kid left, the two sat in silence. Taehyung's brother, Jin, enjoyed his food while Taehyung sat there looking pale, stressed, and exhausted. Jin couldn't help but worry; the Taehyung he knew was not like this. He missed the bubbly, energetic, and happy Taehyung and wished for someone to end his brother's misery.

"I heard what happened yesterday," Jin said softly.

Taehyung stopped what he was doing and looked at his hyung with confusion.

"Jimin told me," Jin continued. "Tae, you know we will always be here for you. You don't have to keep it all to yourself." He looked up and observe his brother, "You need to move on..." He hesitantly mentioned tye elephant in the room.

"It's easier said than done," Taehyung replied coldly, causing Jin to flinch slightly. He wasn't used to this Taehyung, who had a blank expression and a cold voice. He composed himself and said, "But, bub, it's breaking you, and I can't take it anymore, you-"

"Jin hyung, please let's not talk about that again, please," Taehyung interrupted, his voice getting weaker. The tiredness was evident in his voice, and tears were starting to form in his eyes. This kind of topic was sensitive to him.

Jin automatically stood up and went beside his brother, bringing him into his embrace and wrapping his arm around the younger.

"I'm sorry, Taetae. I won't talk about it anymore. Hyung is sorry, honey."

But Taehyung continued to cry, so Jin let him be. He knew that this was hard for his brother, and he wished he could take all the pain away from him. The only thing he could do was be there with him and pray. Because he knows the only one who can bring the past Taehyung is his only lover. He's the only one who can heal Taehyung fully. The only problem is he's no God to bring someone back to life.

Jin too felt like crying. This was too much for him to take. He wondered how long his brother could endure this kind of pain.

"God, please end my baby's misery now, please," Jin prayed silently, hoping that God would listen to him and make his pretty creation happy again.

And God might listen to him now, as he too want nothing but to give his creation the happiness they deserve.

Taehyung's misery might end soon with a new character he's yet to meet.


Thanks for reading,
have a good time ahead.


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