Ch 14

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"See Izuku there is a tire swing now where is my money?" I stated while grinning at Izuku.

"I-A umm, I don't have money Y/N, I'm a cat/Neko remember?" Izuku looks at me like I'm dumb.

"Okay so you don't know how to take jokes, noted"

"HUH, nononono I do I do, I thought you-"

"Izuku, I was joking around, lighten up," I tell Izuku looking at the tire swing.

"Anyways Izuku I'm going to see what food we have, if any, and make something, or order stuff from the delivery person."

"Delivery person?" Izuku questioned.

"Yep, there always has been a delivery person here, they mostly come on Mondays and Fridays though,"

"Okay, is it because we are far from the city?"

"No, yes we are far from a city, but there are some towns, mostly small ones," I inform Izuku.

"And the delivery person doesn't always deliver food, they can also do items."

"Interesting," Izuku noted.

"Well, I'm going to see what food we have, if any, you can go explore if you want," I say walking back to the house. When I walk in I see Dabi eating chips while looking in the fridge.

"No food," He mumbles out while eating the chips.

"Really," I sigh out, "hold on I'll go call the delivery person for some food."

"Mkay, I believe their number is on the fridge, right here," he said pointing to the fridge.

"Okay thanks, Dabi," I thank him while dialing the number.

"No problem princess,"  Dabi says and leaves the room with his chips.

~27 minutes later~

Any minute now, any minute

"Y/N when are we getting food?" Aizawa asks laying his head on my shoulder.

"Soon, they said they should be around here about 6:40 a.m," I mumble out.

"Well they better hurry their ass up I'm starving," Dabi walks in growling out.

My phone then dings while Dabi complains about him "starving"


'Morning ma'am your food should be arriving later than expected due to the driver's car breaking down, thank you for waiting patiently, and have a good day!'

"Are you serious?" I goan out.

"Whats wrong now?" Aizawa asks.

"It's taking forever because the driver's car broke down," I inform Aizawa and to his response, he starts muttering under his breath while his tail is swaying side to side angrily.

"Umm, okay I hope they get here quicker!" I hear Izuku says while being the positive neko he is.

"I hope they do as well, but for now you could wander around the property to see if there's anything cool around," I suggest so he has something besides food on his mind.

"Okay I will!" Izuku smiles while walking towards the door, "I'll hopefully be back in 20 minutes!" Then he leaves me and Aizawa alone in the kitchen.


Sorry I haven't posted I just haven't had any motivation for awhile with this book. But besides that I hope you have a great day/night.

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