Chapter 2

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The rest of the day went by fast and, compared to lunch, was quite uneventful. Skye never noticed how often she sees Noah everyday before, but now it feels like he's around every corner. Thankfully, Whitney left for a cheer competition so Skye didn't see her at all.

When finally the last bell rang, Skye walked to her car in the student parking lot and went to go pick up her little brother, Luke, from the middle school next door. While waiting for their school to let out, Skye passes time by drawing on her sketch pad that she brings with her everywhere. Her dad gave it to her on her tenth birthday and she's been carrying it around ever since.

But a lot has changed in those seven years.

Skye and Luke's dad died of cancer when she was twelve and when she was thirteen their mother eloped and married the king of evil step-dads. Their mom was always working so Skye tried her best to make sure that neither her nor her brother would ever be alone with that creep. He drank away all the money that their mother worked hard to earn and had no filter when it came to voicing his opinions, especially about pretty young ladies like Skye. She's even seen some of those "pretty young ladies" walking around the apartment in skanky outfits. He was the reason Skye slept with Luke and locked her door before going to sleep every night. He was the reason she never felt comfortable in her own skin and wore the most modest of clothing around the house.

"Boys are pigs," Skye thinks solemnly as she doodles her step dad's face with a pig snout.

A knock on her car window startles her and she looks up from her sketch pad to see Luke smiling at her. Luke is Skye's everything. He's the only reason Skye hasn't left to live on her own yet. She takes extra shifts at the diner just so he can stay there and do homework. She even started saving towards an apartment for the both of them when she finally turned eighteen. Her heart fills with dread every time she thinks about college and what that would mean for Luke, but she pushes away those thoughts as she opens up the door for him and he hops in.

"I heard you got in a fight with Whitney Davis today," is the first thing he says, his hazel eyes beaming. Like Skye he has brown hair, though his is more golden while hers has a more redish tint. Where as Skye's hazel eyes are mysterious, his are mischievous. There is no denying that the two are siblings.

"What?" Skye shrieks in disbelief. "How could you possibly know that?"

Luke holds up his iPhone in response and says, "Twitter. Duh."

"Remind me, how old are you? An eleven year old should not be on social media!"

"You're getting off topic, what happened?"

Starting the car Skye shrugs, "Noah Carson looked at me funny I guess."

Luke's jaw drops. Even though they only moved to the town of Bemus Point, New York a couple of months ago when their step dad Gabe got a "job transfer" (aka their old land lord kicked him out.. again) it was a pretty small town and anything involving legends like Noah Carson tended to be a big deal. "Noah Carson was looking at you."

Skye just nods her head and says, "Yup," in response.

"Ew, why?"

Skye scoffs and turns to look at Luke. "Excuuuse you?"

"Well, why look at you when you can look at Whitney Davis? That chick is hot."

Skye rolls her eyes at her eleven year old brother. "Jee thanks bro."

"What do you want me to say? It'd be weird if I said that you were hot."

"Aww, does my little Lukey-Pukey have a reputation to protect?" Skye asks in a baby voice while ruffling her little brother's head.

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