1 || Singer's Boyfriend

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Ship: KiriTodo
Type: Fluff
Warnings: A probably overused plot
Part 1/?


"Hey Todoroki-Kun!" a freckled green haired boy shouted to the mainly monotoned boy. "Oh, whats up Midoriya?" Shoto replied. "I have some tickets to the Red Riot concert this weekend, if you wanna come?" Midoriya said cheerfully and he revealed a set of 4 tickets. "Oh, I already have some tickets, you keep yours for the others" Shoto said as he pulled up his ticket on his phone. "Huh!? You got some of the best tickets!? Those cost like 250 extra bucks!? And sold out almost instantly!" Midoriya shouted in absolute astonishment.

"Oh, I never realized that, hm" Shoto said slightly confused. Uraraka, Mina and Denki all heard the commotion. "Is everything alright over here?" Uraraka asked. "Yeah, I just have 3 extra tickets and need to find some people to bring with me." Midoriya stated. "Oh! We'll come with you if you want!" Mina said cheerfully trying not to start jumping with excitement. "Oh, ok! Guess I have my 3 people, I'll see you at the concert then Todoroki!" Midoriya said as he waved to Todoroki as he shuffled away.

A few days passed and it was finally time for the concert, it was about a 2 hour drive some they all decided to take the same car which juat so happened to be Todoroki's. Shoto pulled up to each house and picked them up before finally heading to the concert stadium. Midoriya was in the passenger seat, Mina, Uraraka and Denki were all in the back seat leaving Shoto the driver's seat. The drive wasn't as painful as they expected but they were still shaking with excitement. Once they arrived at the dimmly lit stadium they all headed to Todoroki's front area and squealed. "I can't believe you got us this close to the stage Todoroki!" Mina squealed. "Well, it was all thanks to a friend" He said calmly as he recived a notification from none other then Kirishima Eijiro or the famous singer himself, Red Riot. The sound of the machinery finally turning on alerted everyone, that it was show time.

The bright lights flashed on, the crowd roared and out walked Red Riot, the newest top artist in Japan. He looked out at the crowd and smiled when he saw the familiar candy cane colored locks and heterochromatic eyes of his childhood best friend, Shoto. "Alright! How's everyone doing tonight!?" Kirishima said trying to get everyone pumped for the concert. A loud array of shouts and cheers were heard amongst the crowd. "Sounds like everyone's excited, well I don't wanna keep you waiting, let's get this going!" Instantaneously the guitar, bassist and drummer all started playing their instruments.

After the wonderful array of songs ended, the lights stayed on to allow for easier exiting, "That was awesome!" "I know right! Totally worth it." The group of five started heading to the door after the majority of people left, "Hey wait!" A person shouted grabbing the attention of the group, "Oh my god. RED RIOT IS RUNNING TOWARDS US!" Mina fangirled.

Kirishima ran up and hugged Shoto "You seriously thought you'd get away with a hug man?" Kirishima said teasing Shoto. "I should've known this would've happened." Shoto stated with a sigh. "You- Him- WAIT YOU KNOW RED RIOT!? WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL ME!?" Midoriya said with a look of betrayal on his face. "Yeah.. I was kinda hopibg you wouldn't have figured out, and I nnever told you because you wouldn't have believed me" Shoto said plainly before hugging Kirishima back."That's true-" Midoriya said with a nervous chuckle, "But still, you know Red Riot!?"

"Yep, Shoto here has been my friend since we were little" Kirishima said playfully smacking the back of Todoroki's head. "Wow, real nice of you" Shoto said before rolling his eyes. "Ok ok, wait does that mean you aren't coming to my place now?" Midoriya asked. "Oh? You guys are having an after party? Why don't we join 'em Sho" Kirishima asked. "Huh? I guess we can do that" Shoto said with a smile.

Although the ride there was nice and fun the ride back was awkward for almost everyone. But once they arrived at Midoriya's house they all settled down and decided on playing a gamed of truth or dare. "Ok I'll start, truth or dare Ochako" Mina said. "Um, truth" Uraraka replied. "Is it true that... you have a crush on Tsu?~" Mina teased. "HUH!? Uh um... Fine yeah you caught me, I like Tsu" Ochako said obviously flustered. "Ooooooh~" Mina cooed in response. "ANYWAYS!- Red riot, truth or dare?" Ochako said using the game as an excuse to change the subject. "You guys can call me Kirishima or Kiri, and give me a dare" Kirishima said with a cheeky smile.

"Oooh, ok, I dare you too~.. Kiss Todoroki! On the lips!" Ochako said silently clapping her hands together, and getting approving looks from everyone other then the two redheads and Izuku, who was just sitting there confused. "Fine, a dares a dare" Kirishima said before quickly pecking Shoto on the lips, almost causing the peppermint's left side to become engulfed in flames. "Seems like someone's flustered~" Denki teased elbowing Shoto. "Oh shut it walmart Pikachu" Shoto said before slapping a hand over his mouth, Mina started laughing, Midoriya grew more confused and Uraraka spit out the water she had just taken a sip of. "NOT YOU TOO! You and Bakugo really need to stop getting partnered up for trainings!" Denki said embarrassed by the fact that he had just gotten called such a childish nickname infront of his idol. "I'm so sorry" Shoto said a bit red from embarrassment.

"It's, but if you wanna make it up to me, then truth or dare" Denki said with a devilish smirk. "Um, dare?" Shoto said genuinely scared for either option. "Ask you crush out~" Denki said smirking, he knew Todoroki had a crush on the redhead but so did everyone other than Kiri, the others cooed at Shoto waiting for him to ask his crush out. Shoto opted for the less embarrassing option and asked Kiri out over text.

Shoto <3
I don't know how to do this with out making it awkward but, do you want to be my boyfriend? Its ok if not I know you're busy and it would be weird to date such a stone cold person like me but yeah..

Shoto sent the message waiting to hear a ding from Kirishima's phone and once the notification popped up, Kirishima flushed red, almost as bright as his hair. "Oh my, of course Sho" Kirishima said at a loss for words, instead opting to hug Shoto. Shoto's face reddened before hugging Kirishima back. The two stayed in each other's grasp for what felt like ages but was actually only a minute.

As the rounds continued on, the group kept cooing and targeting the new couple just to tease the two. They looked at the time and it was already 2 am, "Woah, its late, we should head to bed, you guys can spend the night I only have one guest room but I do have some pullout beds in the couchs for the others." Midoriya said standing up and streching. "Oh ok! Mina and I can share one of the beds, Denki can have the other so you two lovebirds can share the guest room~" Uraraka teased. Shoto just walked out of the room too tired to continue begin teased. Kirishima soon followed after, entering to see an almost asleep Shoto lying in the bed. The shark boy smiled at the sweet sight before hoping in bed behind him, cuddling up to the younger boy and wrapping his arms around the peppermint's waist.

    The two were awoken by the bright light of the sun being revealed by none other then Mina. "Wake up lovebirds, Midoriya and Uraraka made pancakes" Mina said pulling the blanket off of the two, bringing Todoroki along with. "Ow" Shoto said grabbing his head that hit the ground with a large thud. "Oh, sorry?" Mina said rushing out of the room fully read from guilt and embarrassment. "Are you ok Sho?" Kiri asked with a yawn. Shoto turned red after realizing the shark he shared the bed with and then turned even brighter as he remembered the night before. "Woah, you're bright red!" Kirishima laughed at the adorable sight infront of him.

    After the two were finally awake enough to do anything they joined the others in the living room who were all eating pancakes while talking, the television playing in the background. There was 2 different conversations going on at the time, Mina and Uraraka talking about the drama in the "Girls of 1-A" groupchat while Kaminari and Izuku were just talking about random things from heros to carnivals. "Good morning everyone!" Kirishima said with a toothy grin while Shoto just plopped on the chairs by the Kitchen counter. "Morning RedRiot and Shoto-kun!" Izuku said before covering his mouth "I meant Kirishima, I know you told us to call you that I'm so so sor-" Izuku started rambling before Ochako shook him. "Deku-Kun! You're doing it again!"

    "I am? I'm sorry" Izuku said slightly embarrassed. "It's fine" Kiri said with a bright smile.


Total Word Count: 1546

Unedited Publish: February 17, 2022
Edited Publish: //


Thank you for reading this 'oneshot' my idea ended up being a lot longer then intended so I'll be making a part 2 to this once I finish a few other work in progresses

This was also heavily inspired by a book I read which was a KiriTodo Singer lover story. So credit to them for the idea

Have a good day and ciao :]

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