Chapter 2

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We arived at the party, my sister looking shy and awkward as always. "Rory we are at a party so go have fun, I think Paris is here!" I said, no matter our differences she was my sister so I wanted her to enjoy herself.

Theo grabbed my wrist as he whispered, "Come on princess Enzo's over there!".

"Okay we have to go see you later rory," We began to walk away, I turned back to my sister, "Oh and if any one of our relatives calls, DON'T ANSWER!" She looked startled but nodded innocently.

I ran up to my two favourite boys, "ENZO!!!" I said hugging him, "Now boys I will surely die if I don't get a drink some time soon."

"Me too, here." Said Theo handing me a mysterious bottle, I didn't dare even look at the bottle before taking a large gulp of the foul liquid inside the bottle.

"Madeline, Louise hi, let's dance!" I slowly walked off.

"Hey save me a dance for later darling!" Theo said, a little too loud!

"Me two!" said Theo.

"Always a dance for my two favourite boys!" I stated, grabbing Madeline and Louise's hands.

*Time skip after most people left*

Rory stumbled into sight, she was very clearly drunk. "Hey um Charlie, Mom called!" She said slurring her words.

"Oh no you didn't..." I stated knowing she did something stupid.

"She'll be here in five," she looked down at the floor.

"Oh Gilmore you lack experience, you just got yourself in a world of trouble." Theo said, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Shut up Theodore," I bumped him on the shoulder.

We heard a violent banging on the door. "There's my mother," I rolled my eyes.

A classmate opened the door as Lorelai yelled, "Where is my daughter!? Tell me now! RORY!"

"Notice how she only mentioned one daughter!" I whispered to Enzo who was sitting to one side of me, Theo on the other. He snickered at my comment.

My mother rushed into the room, a worried look on her face."Oh no Rory," she said, kneeling down infront of my sister, she looked over to Theo, "YOU, what did you do?" She pointed an accusatory finger at my friend.

"No Mom! You can't just waltz in here like you own the place and start yelling at my friends!" I stated, she took it way to far.

"Rory wouldn't do this to herself willingly." She said getting annoyed.

"She was just having fun so don't blame my friends for her letting loose and having fun for once!" I had to defend my friends, they were there for me when my Mom wasn't.

"Rory, we're leaving, let's go!" She grabbed Rory's hand, dragging her out the door.

We sat in silence for a moment. I got up suddenly, grabbing my bag, "Let's go Theo, you're my ride."

He nodded silently joining me walking to the door.

"Bye guys," Enzo kissed me lightly on the cheek before shaking hands with Theo.

*The next day*

I woke up not to the maid but to my Grandmother squeeling.

She burst into my room, my Grandfather following close behind.

"Charlotte they're here, the letters, they're here." She said, more excited than ever.

They sat down on my bed, eagerly waiting for me to open my letters. Harvard, Princeton, blah blah blah but the only one that truely mattered to me was Yale.

It was the school I had dreamt about attending since before I could walk. At that moment it was the most important thing in the world. The pressure waying on me wasto much to bare so I opened the first letter.

"Okay, here we go!"

"Open the Harvard letter first!" Said my Grandfather happily.

"Charlotte Gilmore... we are pleased to inform you," I stated, a smile on my face.

"Harvard will be lucky to have a girl like you!" My Grandfather said, happily

Here are the others,

Princeton : accepted
NYU : accepted
Columbia : accepted
Brown : accepted

"Here is the last one," Grandpa said.

"Yale University..." I stated, trying to delay it as long as posible. My hands began to shake as I opened the envelope.

"She got big envelope, that's good is it not Richard?" Grandma whispered.

"Okay... Charlotte Gilmore, we are pleased to inform you, THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED TO YALE UNIVERSITY!"

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