Mono Y Mono

424 7 48

Yacht, Day Time

The group was on the yacth as they were all busy doing different things.

Darius was on the side of the boat hanging from a rope as he added more duct tape to their makeshift patch.

Geleel runs over to the ledge as he looked at Darius.

"Hurry up with the patch D! We're basically afloat right now, unless you want to be flattened by rocks that is." Geleel called out to Darius.

Darius sighed to himself. "Alright! Pull me up!" Darius exclaimed as Sammy and Yasmina began pulling him up.

As Darius got to the top Geleel pulls him onto the boat by his arms.

"We gotta fix that hole, or the gas is gonna be the least of our problems." Darius announced to them.

Kenji made his way down to the lower deck to join them.

"I thought having no GPS was the least of our problems?" Kenji questioned them.

"Yea, uh not to add to the doom and gloom b-" Yasmina cuts herself off as the boat began rocking startling the group.

"Oh great, we're sinking now too, this just keeps getting more and more fun." Geleel said with a deadpanned expression.

"No, we're just riding low in the water because of uh, ahem." Kenji said as he directed their attention towards Bumpy and Ben.

Funny enough, Bumpy was in fact weighing down the part of the boat she stood on.

"Don't listen to him, you're perfect the way you are." Ben whispered to Bumpy as he pets her head.

"Isn't there some non-dino infested dock we can get to?" Ben asked the others.

"The closest one is on the other side of the island, we'll never make it." Brooklynn answered him.

"Let's just face it, we're doomed and gloomed." Brooklynn said hanging her head low.

"Wait! There's another dock, not far from here, uh a private dock, that's not on any map, the dock near the P house!" Kenji exclaimed as the others looked at him in confusion.

"Um, I went before we left." Ben explained.

"Pee house? Yea no thanks, I'd rather take my chances with the killer dinosaurs." Geleel said as he crossed his arms.

"No, I didn't mea- I meant my dad's penthouse! There's-" Kenji is cutoff by Geleel.

"Let me stop you right there, this wouldn't happen to be the same penthouse that you were locked out of, right?" Geleel asked incredulously.

"Yes, but now we have a magic keycard to get inside, so it works out, boom!" Kenji exclaims proudly.

"And you're just now telling us this?" Yasmina asked rhetorically.

Geleel palmed his face. "I am so tired." Geleel mumbled to himself.

"That penthouse could have everything we need!" Darius exclaimed in joy.

"Will, have everything we need, my dad loves boats he's got all sorts of nautical junk." Kenji boasted proudly.

"To the P house!" Darius exclaimed while fist pumping.

"To the P house!" The others minus Geleel exclaimed as they scattered.

"Can we please not call it that!" Geleel yelled as he followed after them.


Kenji was in the process of docking the boat again, this time at a different dock clearly.

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