Chapter 8: The Incoming Storm

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Akihiko's POV. Grand Narukami Shrine.

Akihiko: Hm.

Makoto: What's wrong?

Akihiko: The Young Tengu General is arriving. Makoto, put on your mask.

Makoto did put on her mask as Miko asked me.

Miko: What about the Traveler?

Akihiko: Aether and Paimon are on their way as well.

Akihiko: Well, after the big trouble that they had to go through getting those documents..........

Miko: You're right.

Makoto: So, how will you say the truth to Sara?

Akihiko: Miko's style is more like, step by step. But you know, I'd prefer Miko would be the one to say the truth.

Akihiko: If I just revealed the truth to her, it would be like throwing an exploding pyro slime straight to her face.

Soon afterwards, the Young Tengu General has arrived.

Sara: Lady Guuji, Lord Akihiko, here I am. Rest assured I came here alone and told no one about this trip.

Miko: To think that you would address Akihiko in such a manner.

Akihiko: It seems like my identity somehow bothered you. Don't worry, my days as the Emperor is already over.

Akihiko: I am only just an ordinary god. Watching, and guarding Inazuma.

Sara: I searched for the records pertaining about you, Lord Akihiko. But I couldn't find any.

Sara: Why is that?

Miko: After the Cataclysm, Akihiko sealed himself due to the corruption that he received from the Abyss.

Miko: In order to do that, he went under a long, long sleep of recovery.

Miko: The Forbidden Tomb, that was the purpose of the said tomb.

Sara: And the Masked Shrine Maiden, is she supposedly the guardian of the tomb.

Sara asked Makoto, who was still under a disguise.

Sara: Are you his righthand woman?

Makoto: Yes. I am one of his remaining followers. I am one of the five who........

Makoto: Knows everything about him.

Sara: Five people?

Akihiko: The Masked Shrine Maiden, Miko, Barbatos, Morax, and the Raiden Shogun herself.

Akihiko: I guess maybe four people, because Morax is dead.

Akihiko: He's not really dead, the old man is enjoying his retirement now.

Akihiko: Anyways.

Akihiko: It seems like you found some records about me?

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