Chapter One

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Mika's Pov:

It has been two weeks since I have been reincarnated into my old body, and I could only hope that things were starting to change.

I was currently infront of my 'father', a man that had treated me as scum.

"WHAT!" My father screamed in my face, veins popping out of his face, and anger evident on his face.

I calmly stared at him, my eyes void of any emotion as I replied, " I would like to move out."

"After everything we have done for you. You are such a spoiled brat!"

I just stared at him, my packed backpack behind me, full of the money I had collected from the secret jobs I had been doing lately.

"But doesn't this mean that you can save more money, and you do not have to see me again." I said, getting a little irratated at how the man who had always told me I was a burden to the family was not allowing me to leave. The man that had told me he couldn't wait until I moved out was going back on his word. For a second I couod have sworn that there was a look of confusion and surprise etched on his face but if there was it was gone as quick as it came.

"...Do you have a place to stay?" He asked me, looking down at his nails.

"Yes, why do you care anyways? I mean it isn't like you cared at me at anytime in my life. Shouldn't you be happy that you won't see me ever again?" I asked, glaring at him.

Why was he pertending to care anyways, he didn't all my childhood, so why now?

"Ah, you are probably worried about your reputation right?" I looked him in the eyes, remembering that in my first life my 'dad' cared a whole lot about what othwrs thought about him.

"Then if that is all, good bye!" I said, walking out if the door.

As soon as I got out I smiled, happy. I completed my first rule to saving the ninja world.

Now the second, I should try and become Naruto's friend. In the past, I would ignore and make fun of him leading him to not like me. In this second chance I should try to gain the favor of the people who are obviously the most important people.

If the ninja world was made into a book than Uzumaki Naruto would obviously be the main character. Well considering that he turns out to be really powerful and even becomes a sage, talk about overpowered.

Ah, come to think of it a few of the people who I should gain the favor of is Naruto, Gaara, Temari, Neji, Kakashi, Lee, Tenten, and Hinata. Sure these are not all the people but probably the people I should try to gain as friends.

I should be friends with Naruto so that in the future when anyways because Naruto becomes really strong and can protect everyone he will become a powerful asset in the future, plus he is the holder of the nine tails Kurama.

I choose Gaara because it would be good to gain the favor of someone who will beome the future Kazekage of the sand, plus he also the carrier of the one tails.

A sudden collision made me falter back a couple of steps.

"Ah, sorry datebayo!" A familiar voice cried out loudly. I winced and looked down surprised.

It was Naruto, well speak of the devil and he will appear am I right?

"Ah, no it is fine, are you okay?" I asked tilting my head slightly. "Oh, yeah I am fine datebayo." he replied narrowing his eyes slightly at me. I do not blame him, poor guy. I have been bacically bullying him his whole life, don't blame him if he hates me.

I smiled slightly at him and was begining to walk away when he grabbed my wrist surprising me.

"Yes?"I asked confused and a little weary. "Where are you going?" My eyes widened in understanding.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head and replied, " I am finding an apartment to live in why?" He let go of my wrist blushing out of embarresment.

"Here, I can see if you can live in my apartment?" Naruto said, ending the sentence with his voice rising higher in pitch.

I smiled at him and nodded happily, "Yeah, that would be nice thank you."

Naruto's Pov:

I was getting a little suspicious of Mika because she has been acting weirdly lately, normally she would be making fun of me for simply breathing the same air as her, but now she has been treating me like a normal human.

I can not say I do not like it but it is a little weird. A girl who hates my guts becomes all friendly and all.

I was a little confused on why Mika was needing an apartment anyways, didn't she have her own family to take care of her?

I had said that she could try to live in the apartment I lived in so I walked her to it, my signature grin on my face.

When we finally got there I let her go in first, you know being the gentleman I was and all.

3rd Pov:

"Excuse me sir, do you think I can rent a room here?" Mika asked politely to the owner of the place, her hands dripping nervously with sweat.

"Sure, it will have to be across from That boy though." The owner replied, glaring at Naruto.

Mika noticed the glare and moved her body so that she was infront of the boy and protecting him from the amn's glare.

"That is okay!" she cheerfully said, handing the man a 100 yen, and getting keys in return.

Mika looked at Naruto and said, "Would you please show me where I will be living?"

Naruto nodded, eyes a little wide at the way the small girl protected him.

Mika was currently thinking about what her apartment looked like, was it clean? Or was it Nasty?

"We are here." Naruto said, cheerfully smiling at the girl, waving his hands energetically at the door.

"Thank you Naruto, see you tomorrow at school!" Mika said, walking in and closing the door behind her.

Right away her eyes widened, the room she bought was b e a u t i f u l!

There was a lot of space for a room so small.

But before Mika explored she decieded to make a new rule to herself. Rule number two, Protect Naruto no matter what.

Now, time to explore!

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