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During the first half of classes, Fin couldn't help but fight himself from slipping. During Trigonometry he meant Emmett's girlfriend. Rosalie had the same golden eyes as Emmett, she was taller than the male as well. Fin was scared that the female would not speak to him considering she held a personality stance that meant ' I am better than you.' 

Though after the Trigonometry made Fin interduce himself in front of the student body. He found himself blushing bright red and stumbling over multiple words. When Mr. Varner allowed him to go sit beside Miss. Hale, as the teacher called her. He could not help but calm down as she introduced herself. 

The third glass was English, personally one of Fin's personal favorite classes. Mr. Mason did not make Fin introduce himself causing the male to love the class more. In English, Fin sat beside Mr. Hale. He quickly found out that Jasper was the twin brother to Rosalie. 

Jasper held a honey blond hair color with the same golden eyes. Alice, turned out to be the girlfriend of Jasper and suppressed Fin when she engulf him into a hug. Fin could not help but giggle as he discovered that he was taller then the tiny framed female with spiky hair. 

Fin quickly became friends with the couple when placed beside them. He found out that Jasper loved history and Fin would have Government class with him next. Though the male did find it off that each of the adopted siblings had the same eye color. He did not think much into it.

The first half of the school day flew by for the male before he found himself standing in the lunch line. His eyes kept scanning around looking for his twin who he knew he shared lunch with. Grabbing hold of a sandwich and fries, along with a thing of chocolate milk, he spotted his sister paying for her own lunch. 

"Bella!" Fin yelled out, as he quicken his walk. 

"Fin." Bella spoke, sounding more like she did not want people noticing she was related to him. 

"Bella!" A male from a full table yelled out. 

Bella turned towards the table before walking over. Fin quickly followed Bella towards the table before sitting beside his twin. When they sat down, a female named Jessica that Fin recognized the face from a few of his other classes begun to talk. 

Quickly zooning out the conversation and focusing on eating. It was at that moment that Bella decided to speak up, causing Fin to look towards a table in the back of the lunchroom. He found the Cullen's and the Hales sitting there with trays of food that Fin thought they just bought. 

"Who are they?" Bella asked. 

When Jessica begun to talk, I listened to what she spoke without looking up from the tray of food. 

"That is Edward and Emmett Cullen, Then Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left was Alice Cullen. They all live together with Dr. Cullen and his wife." Jessica spoke

"They are, Nice looking." Bella spoke while not removing her eyes. 

Fin knew the sound and recognized the actions of Bella. He knew when she found a male that she liked or something that she wished to own she would get it even if it meant getting hurt in the process. 

"Yes!" Jessica agreed with a giggle. "They're all together thought. Emmett and Rosalie, Jasper and Alice, I mean they live together!" Her voice held a shock. 

"Which ones are the Cullen's?" Bella asked. "They do not look related.." Her words trailed off turning her attention to Jessica. 

Oh, they're not. Dr. Cullen is really young, Maybe in his twenties or thirties. They're all adopted. The hales are brother and sister, the blondes." 

Bella nodded, as she turned her attention back towards the table. "They look a little old for foster children." she spoke. 

"Oh, they are." Jessica continued. "Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, they been with Mrs. Cullen sense they were eight. She's their aunt or something." Jessica shrugged. "I think Mrs. Cullen can't have children, so she adopted." 

"Have they always lived in Forks?" Fin spoke, thinking he might try and join in the conversation. 

Bella turned a glare towards him, causing Fin to shrink in his seat. He took his shirt sleeve towards his mouth as he began to chew on the fabric. His lunch forgotten. 

"No." Jessica continued to speak, answering his question without turning her eyes from Bella and the occasional glance at the table. "They moved from Alaska to Forks sometime within the last two years." 

"Who is the one with reddish brown hair." Bella asked. 

"That's Edward. He is gorgeous, of course, however don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." Jessica spoke, sounding jealous. 

When the lunch bell rang for everyone to head to class. I followed Bella towards Biology, keeping to myself wondering what I did to upset her.

In biology Bella and I both waited for the teacher to finish talking with a student. As he turned and stared at us, he just signed our papers before instructing Bella to sit with Edward Cullen. Mr. Banner pointed towards another open seat that was right behind Bella, and near someone from the lunch table. 

"Hello, I am Mike." The male who would be my desk mate spoke. "Your Bella's twin right." 

As Fin dug out his rainbow sort of pens and another notebook he spoke "Yes."

"Awesome, do you think your twin likes me?" Mike spoke staring at Bella. 

Fin stared at the male wide eyed, They had just arrived at this school and someone was already trying to date his twin. 

Before Fin could respond, Mr. Banner begun to speak with the class. When Fin noticed that they where well ahead in the lesson plan he gave up listening and turned to watch Edward and Bella. 

Fin noticed that Edward seemed stiff, his fingers had turned white from holding onto the table top and he was sitting in the edge of his seat. When the Bell rang, Fin could not believe the speed that Edward stood up and headed for the door. 

Packing his items back up Fin moved towards his Twin before helping her. He could see how much this unknown males actions hurt his sibling. Shaking his head Fin moved towards the entrance and walked towards there last class. 

When Gym finally ended, Fin and Bella headed towards the office. Leaning onto the counter, they could see Edward. Fin zoned out there conversation thinking it might be rude to listen in. When Edward headed for the door they turned in there slips before heading home.


--> Hello, Wolf pups If you do not wish to comment on the story, can you answer the question below?
* Due to the fact that I am re-writing Little Wolf, I want a different name for the book... Can someone suggest a name?

--> If you need a reminder of what Fin looks like, Go to the first page of the story.

* Just a warning, I am a full time college student and also I am a teachers assistance for Pre K students. This means that I may not be able to post every single day. I will try though!

Thank you for reading!!!

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