Sorry... I'm A Clutz...

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Dear readers this might not be the best story but its just started and will get better

Oh and yes.. the cover is the main caracter Destiny/Dee. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"You have to promise you won't laugh when I fall on my butt!" I told George, my boyfriend, I really shouldn't, but I always let him plan our dates. We go ice skating, skydiving, bungee jumping and now clubbing, okay so compared to the others, clubbing doesn't sound scaring or even bad at all, so... maybe i am over reacting... but he took me to a... GAY club and No! Not by accident.

"I wont let go you'll be fine. Don't worry Dee." He said in his sweet, voice using my nick name to calm me down... okay so not only is it a gay club... but... I am very uncoordinated. George knows that, but thinks it's hilarious that I keep bumping into waiters, dancers and some times even people sitting down making out. EW. I really get anno-

SMACK! Man that hurt. OMG my new shirt, it's black and ripped with gold fabric underneath, thats now like my artfully, faded, ripped jeans and leperd print platforms covered in some weird red and blue cocktail. SHIT. I let go of George's hand and looked up, the ramander of the cocktails on the waiters tray were only blue, I looked down, glass was shattered on the floor and there was something damp and fast moving dripping down my forehead.

"Come here Dee, Are you Okay? Come on I think you should sit down." George grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bar and dragged me to sit down on a stool. I looked at my phone...





THE TEXT READ, and looked around... But something stopped me. I started feeling a little dizzy, my head felt heavy on my neck, the club was spinning and some stupid song by The Living End was going on and on about white noise and it was drowning out my thought... then I was swollowed by darkness...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2011 ⏰

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