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In Indraprasth

It Was MidNight

All were sleeping

Yudhisthir was Sleeping But he opened his eyes & stood up from his bed & went away from his room

In Abhira's Room

Abhimanyu ,Uttara were sleeping on the bed

Even a Beautiful cute lil baby girl was sleeping on cradle

Yudhisthir slowly entered the room and went towards the cradle

He slowly saw The lil baby girl sleeping and picked her in his arms

And left from the room

He went to kitchen

Yudhisthir's Pov

"Let me Take Some makhan without anyone's permission , Before Panchu Scolds her Arya , Today I Saw a Beautiful Bird From somewhere it was seeing me ,It was With pain,I just Helped by Bandaging A Bandage as It's wings were got hurt,Now I came to eat makhan and took My lil baby Girl Deva with me,I think i should feed some makhan to my lil baby too"

Next The baby girl opened her eyes and someone she didn't saw him clearly

Yudhisthir too looked at her

The Baby was about to Shout when Yudhisthir Swang her in his arms

The baby was silent and saw at the pot of makhan & pointed her hand towards the makhan

Yudhisthir looked at makhan and went towards it kept Baby on Table

Yudhisthir went to bathroom

Baby looked at Pot of makhan and Took it and started taking and eating some makhan one by one in her hands , makhan was on her lips & her front hands

When Yudhisthir came there & putted the lamp ,He saw Baby and went towards her , And saw Makhan On her lips & front hands , And The pot was only some makhan left

Yudhisthir picked The baby in his arms

Yudhisthir - *Whisper* You ate makhan before me my lil baby?

Baby - Yea ,yea Jyesth Pitamaha

Yudhisthir - Then where is makhan for your Jyesth pitamaha

Baby girl took some makhan from the pot and forwarded her hands towards Yudhisthir's Mouth , Yudhisthir opened his mouth and The Girl Baby feed Yudhisthir

Yudhisthira kept the baby girl on table and cleaned the sone piece of makhan in down

When Someone came there she said

"Jyesth What are you doing here at this time?"

Asked Bheema

"Cleaning Before Panchu sees this Vriku"

Bheema - Okay But i will help you Jyesth

Yudhisthir - Sure Vriku

Then they cleaned

And turned off the lamp & left from there with the baby girl

In Hall

Bheema - Jyesth will you come to sleep now?

Yudhisthir - Yes i will be coming ,but Lemme make my lil baby sleep ,you go Vriku

Bheema - Okay Jyesth

Bheema left from there

Yudhisthir - Now sleep Before Panchu or mata comes here and sees us

Arjuna heard Yudhisthira's sound and stood up and came there

Arjun - Jyesth Bhrata what are you doing here at this time with my lil baby?

Yudhisthir - Arjun you go and sleep i will come later , And I'm making my lil baby sleep too , she's awake too

Arjun - Noo i will sleep when you will sleep and i will help with you jyesth

Yudhisthir - Okay do you know any lori or song to make her sleep?

Arjun - Yes Jyesth

Yudhisthir - Then Sing it for her slowly jun

Arjun - Okay Jyesth


Arjun -

"Suryadev So Gaye , Chhaya Andhera , Chup Chaap So Gayi Ye Gangan Hain Dhara , Tum Bhi So Jaa Laali meri kehana naa Dada, Pitamaha,Papa, Ka tum Taali Rei , So Jaa Laali Meri, So Jaa Laali meri , Tum Hriday Ki Meri , Meri Naino ki Hai tum Roshni" Tum Meri aur meri bhayon ki Roshni ho, Tum hi sirf meri aur bhaiyon ki Muskurath , Sabh so gaye , Andhera Ho gaya , So jaa Tum bhi meri Roshni"


Then The lil girl baby slowly fall to sleep in her Jyesth Pitamaha's arms

Yudhisthir & Arjun looked at the lil baby girl and slowly kissed her together

Then they both went to Abhira's room and laid her on the cradle and left from there and went to their room and slept together


It was Morning

In Abhira Room

When Abhimanyu got up and yawned and went to the cradle and saw the lil baby girl sleeping

He smiled but saw Lit makhan on her lip and her hands

Abhimanyu - *In mind* Oh My Pari must stole makhan from kitchen in midnight without telling anyone,i think it must be with her someone, who helped her, i will know it soon

He sighed and went to fresh up


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