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I began to twitch every so often. Thirty years after the tragedy and I feel more alive than I did before I was stuffed into this suit.Who knows why I was brought back but it better be a good reason .

I know what my body..well suit...was going through. Thirty years after not moving my limbs , I felt the need to get up and stretch . But I couldn't do such a thing just yet. I look down at my (f/c) fur and saw that it was tainted with dried blood and dust.

While I was inspecting myself I heard loud voices coming from the front of the building. They were coming closer.

I manually went back into "toy" mode and watched as I saw a tall man who looked around 30 come into the storage room. Beside him was a young boy who looked around 18 years old. He had golden blonde hair and coal-black eyes. I had to give them a second glance as they seemed to pull me back in like black holes.

The young boy had an oval face with a light olive complexion. His lips were full and soft looking . He was tall but not too tall. His body was small but built. He was wearing a gray suit that fit him well and hugged him in the right places. There was a name tag on the left of his chest that said,"Sean.".

The thirty year old guy looked at Sean with an uneasy smile. "Okay so the first night should be easy, all the controls are easy. The cameras are easy to flip through and play the sound once in a while to make sure it works. You can shut the vents if you are cold. Make sure to reboot the ventilation , sound, and audio. In the end, you will be fine." , the middle aged man said as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I saw him give a little shiver.

The old man started to walk out as he waved goodbye. However he stopped right as his hand was on the door handle.
"Oh,", he started as he opened the door,"watch out for (Y/n).".
And with a serious face , he walked out .

Sean looked around and looked at me for a split second. I wonder how I looked. Hopefully it wasn't a freaking mess. Gosh DANGIT (y/n)!! I just needed him to leave so I could fix myself . Sean looked all over the small room before taking his leave to go inspect the other rooms. As I could tell from the clock, it was almost 12 am. I could start moving around at that time.
I could hear Sean rustling through the other rooms. I could hear the clanking of the pans in the kitchen.

Once he was out of hearing range , I tried to stand up. It was very hard and I almost fell and crashed into things several times but I finally got up. Once I was balanced , I stretched up and moved my limbs around a little. To my surprise , I wasn't as stiff as I thought I would be after thirty years.

I don't know why but I wanted to try out my voice. Just to see if it would work. I was kinda curious to what it would sound like. When I was alive people told me that my voice was (high/low) pitched and quit soothing to hear. So I made sure Sean wasn't around (which he wasn't ) and I started to test out my voice.

I wanted to say , " My name is (y/n)."
So I let out a low breath and started to speak.
"M-m-Y-E nA-am-ee I-Is (y-Y-/n-n)."
My voice came out as a medium feminine robotic voice that glitched.
Well at least it was better than not having a voice.

After experimenting with my thirty year old self, I then sat back down in my spot and waited for Sean to come back and see me. Which, I'm too interesting of a animatronic to NOT see.

It was almost 12 am and I was getting more anxious by the second. Oh how fun it would be! I kept looking at the small digital clock next to me. I was just counting down the seconds.

Then it hit. 12 am. I smirked , "L-le-Et t-The-E f-Fun be-bE-Gin.".

Upside down ( SpringTrap Human! X Reader Animatronic!)Where stories live. Discover now