chapter 14

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In the Mafia blood is always the prize like they say they can never be two kings in one kingdom because everyone want that title alone

Third person's POV

Seeing the suddenly power cut the Malhotra became alert why not not they been in this business for too long to befooled known how things works at their only thing in their mind

Not a normal power cut

While the M.K and the guest stood there relaxed unknown to them the blood was smelling in the room



Ugh  within five minutes the electricity was  back stupid power cut they thought but the scene in front of their eyes almost made them faint

The Malhotra youngsters were on the gun point but yet there were unfazed

Wow would you look at this such a grand celebration, said Vansh through grithing his teeth while pointing a gun a Prachi who seemed unfazed at him

No I can't lose my sister I just got her back, prayed Rhea in her heart

The party ends here please make your way out and make sure to keep your mouth shut, Prachi spoke smiling and the guest know not to be told twice within a minute the only people were remaining were the M.K and obvious the uninvited guest

The M.K were scared to death they only saw such scene in the movies while here it was happening in front of them.

So how do we owe this visit Mr VR! Prachi asked her enemy even though she was calm at the moment her Aura was deadly powerful

Don't play games with P.M where is my brother!

Brother! Do you have a brother that's shocking, said Aditya faking his shocked moment

Indeed shocking, mocked Prachi

I'll kill all of you, screamed VR

Can you at least lower yo voice down, Karan asked annoyed at the idiot in front of him

Ani please go and be with the kids and make sure to play some music ok.

Anita went to the kid's room while Prachi started smirking at VR

You know I was waiting for you but I didn't think it was  gonna be this early how are you

V: just shut up you bitch, he shouted angry making the Malhotra man to boil with anger but Prachi was just calm like she's not on gun point while Rea was praying

P: do you know what I real feeling sorry for my self right now if I just killed you two years back you wouldn't be in my house creating a scene, she with her voice dangerous calm sending shiver to her enemy while the M.K thought is she real their Prachi or a duplicate with their sweet Prachi's face

V: me creating a scene you killed my father and reined my family, he shouted angry

P: don't raise voice boy you're in my kingdom oh let me remind you something this is not Mumbai but London and we the Malhotra rule here the fact that you're still breathing is because you still have my permission otherwise things run my way around here. And yes I killed your father because he crossed his limits no one mess with my family and get away with it

V: real what did he do wrong?

Sid: are you crazy or something your fucking father kidnapped my  sister and you thought we were gonna let him live after that, he shouted angry making VR's bodyguard to flinch

P: OK enough of this nonsense Vansh you're luck today I'm in good mood so I won't kill so please take your man and get lost from here

V: and what makes you think I will listen to you?

P: because vr your grandmother is at the temple right now and that useless sister of yours she busy at the spar as usually you don't want them dying like yo father right, VR became tense and he got no choice than to step down

Karan: are real  gonna let him go after the stents he pulled here tonight!

P: ya beside I already have something to remind him of his actions boys, she shouted the others were confused but something clicked in Karan & Aditya's minds and they started smirking while VR became uneasy in no time the guards came caring a coffin the M.K gasped

You know since you came on mom's birthday I couldn't let you leave empty handed, she smiled evil

VR: w....hats that,

P: come on don't be to shocked I just gave you your brother at least you can perform his last rights, she smiled evil while VR almost fainted no his brother can't die

Ya bla bla take your brother and get lost before I kill you too and trust me his death was real painful next time dont send someone in my property or you just have to watch me killing your whole family


Without a choice VR left the mansion with his man caring his brother's coffin Nomater how much he try Prach  is always one step ahead him but he wasn't gonna give up even means he gotta joined hands with the Russian so be it

And pragya was shocked seeing how heartless her daughter can be , after VR left she tried talking to her but didn't end well


Pragya: pachi dear what was that you killing his father

Prachi: none of your business Mrs Mehra

Pragya: I'm your mother prachi

Prachi:  and I'm asking you to stay in your limits because I won't think twice before putting the bullet between yours eye if you don't stay out of my business, you're here because of Aryan and Mr Mehra keep your wife under control, Pragya couldn't believed her daughter threaten to kill her.

Her she real lost her daughter to that extent!

Precap: Prachi find out about how the M.K treated Rhea

My apologize to my dear readers I don't have a phone this days so I'm unable to give you the updates but imma keep trying

Stay safe

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