A Puppets Love Prologue

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Hi my name is Syphethia, but I prefer to be called Syphy. I'm a 16 year old girl with long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a petite slender body with a height of 5'2. When I was 6 I started practicing martial art and I continued to do so up until now. A little problem occurred recently. A man of possibly 40 fell in love with me at 1st sight. Of course being 16 I had no interest in the man. Unfortunately this man is a mad scientist. He was working on an experiment to capture a persons beauty. He created a puppet that looked as I did when I was 8. When I was walking home from school he kidnapped me and took me to his lab. He experimented on my body. He electrocuted me many times until I thought I would die. I didn't die. But my soul did leave my body. He captured my soul and put it in the puppet so he could control me. But something went wrong. He had invisible strings he would use to control me but the were snipped somehow. I escaped and returned home but my parents were frightened suddenly seeing there daughter appear to them as an 8 year old. They sent me away. Up until now I've been living on the street. A pattern occurs. When the sun sets my body shuts down and I become a lifeless doll. When the sun rises I am free to move about. I always wear a long sleeved black dress, thigh high black and white striped socks, black flats, and black gloves. This is to hide my joints so no one knows of me being a puppet. I fear I will remain this way for ever since I can not die. But maybe the meeting that is about to occur will change my life a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2011 ⏰

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