Chapter 2

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When she got to 'Mist' she noticed a figure with a dark brown tunic on. She hoped this wasn't some type of ceremony. The 'Mist' was a opening in the forest with vine covered stone benches. It used to be a place where you would have weddings but there hasn't been one there for centuries.

"Hello, Miss Celia" The person said. They had strong firm, carved features.  It was a man with dark brown hair. He looked directly at her. Celia was still very shocked this person knew she came here.
"You said you couldn't explain anything in paper. What do you mean by that?" Celia asked with a grim tone in her voice.

"I mean, your difference." He said.

"My difference?" She repeated.

"The one you have felt. The longing feeling to leave. The wish to find out who you truly are?" He said. That was exactly how she felt. But how would he know?

"This may sound strange; or it might not at all; but your suspicions  are very true." He said.

"You are the key." He whispered.

"The key to what?" She asked.

"The key to saving the world." He said, with a a smile.

"You're making it sound like I'm a superhero from and action movie." She said. He chuckled.

"Would you please come with me?" He pleaded.

"Where?" She asked.

"To the Sanctuary." He said calmly.

"Sanctuary?" She blurted.

"Yes. The Sanctuary, is were the Unknown station ourselves. The world is crumbling Celia. We need you to stop it." He said.

"Who are the Unknowns?" Celia asked feeling stupid saying it.

" You and me, as well as hundreds of other intelligent people. And to clarify, they are not human. Or should I say we are not human." He said.

"I still don't get it." She said.

"Well, I can show what you don't get then. But you must agree to stay. You need to help us. If it falls apart..-" He paused. He opened his mouth to finish but Celia interrupted him.

"I'll do it." She said.

"But what about my family? You're not going to tell me they are not actually my family right?" She asked.

"Oh no. They are very much related to you. They just can't know about the Unknowns." He said.

"We should go. Go to your house and grab one possession of yours. And no it cannot be a person in your family." He said. Was this really happening? She raced back to her house and as an excuse said "I forgot something." Would she be home soon? Everything felt confusing. But it felt more like home than with her family. There was probably a reason for that. She was up in her room looking for something when she saw a small bag of jewels her parents gave her when she was five. She held tight on to it. She hugged her parents hoping she would see them again.

When got back to 'Mist' the man was still standing there.

"Good. Now to get to the Sanctuary is a bit... different. So I'm warning you." He said. She held her breath as he did something with his hands and made a gold orb like thing big enough for each of them.

"Wait!" She said before he stepped into it.

"What's you name?" She asked.

"Lidir." He said calmly. He stepped into the orb. She did the same thing.

It felt like falling off a cliff. At least she landed softly on carpeted floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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