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In 900 years i never thought i would ever fall in love again.Whenever i fall inlove or am inlove I always back away.I am scared that one day when i fall in love with the wrong person.The whole world is gonna come collapsing on me and I am gonna be vulnerable.I believe the definition of love is when your deeply vunerable and that person that your with can hurt you over and over again till it destroys you.In the course of my long life,We are bond with the people whom we share blood and though we may not choose our family we are still bound to them.We still have to protect them.Well that's what i thought.Whenever i care and stick with my family it always hits me in the back and that is why i havent seen my brothers in 700 years.They probably think I'm dead.They left me for dead and never came or looked back.


I met a woman 878 years ago.Her name was Katherine Pierce but her birth name was Katerina Petrova.She turned me into a vampire.Since that day i always think about her.How is she after 878 years?Is she dead.I dont know but what I know is that she was turned by Klaus Mikealson.
I intend to find him.To get answers,and your probably wondering why after 878 years.Why I am looking for her now.Well because the other day I met Rebekah Mikealson.I assume she is klaus's sister because of there surname.I wanted answers and I know I am wrong for using Rebekah to find Klaus but if that means looking for someone important then I will do anything even if it costs me a friend.



I am meeting up with Rebekah."Hey Lex."said Rebekah(Btw my name is Alexa and everyone calls me lex)"Hey Beks.How are you."I replied."I am good thx for asking.Oh.....and why did you wanna meet up with me here.You could've came to my house."You know what let's go to your house."I said excitedly because i will probably find Klaus.We walk out the restaurant and get into her car.Shortly we get there.She lives in this beautiful mantion.We walked in the house.


"Alexa this is my family."She said."Hey it's nice to meet you can i get your names pls.I said shyly."So this is Klaus,Kol,Finn,Elijah and my mother and father,Esther and Mikeal Mikealson.My face changed to surprise but i tried to hide it.",Klaus do you by an chance um....I hesitated to say the words."You know what never mind."I lied.I was completely freaking out."So Alexa where are your from."Klaus asked."I am actually from here."Kol looked suspecious of me."Um.. kol why are you looking at me like that."I asked."Oh it's nothing."He said."Oh bex i have to go,My brothers are probably worried about me so i should leave."Wait who are your brother may i ask?Asked Esther."I coughed and said"My brothers are Damon and Stefan Salvatore."Wait are you the youngest or oldest.said Finn who
had not spoken."I am 22 years old."I lied.In my mind I was freaking about lying about my age,cause Im not 22 im 900."I have to go."I said


"HOPEEFULLY YOU GUYS LIKES THIS FIRST SHORT LITTLE CHAPTERS I AM COMING UP WITH  OTHER IDEAS FOR THE SECOND.Waqt do you think should Alexa reveal she's a vampire and 900 years old or must she keep from the Mikealson Family.Oh and i know what your thinking  why is Esther qnd Mikeal here,well that because i have and awesome idea for them later on in the chapters


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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