Childhood Harassment

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Part 5:

In morning:

Roli come out taking bath.

Sid enter in room and admire Roli.

Roli looks at Sid and remember last night.

Ji woh I speak Roli make Sid come in sense.

Yes Roli tell said Sid.

I ammm sorrryy said Roli.

But why ask Sid as he knew but still he asked.

I I me shoutt on yyou las_last night said Roli.

It's okay no problem said Sid.

Roli become silent but get happy see his kind nature.

I am going office inform Sid.

Sid Sidhant ji call Roli hesitantly.

Sid turn on her call and looks at her.

I wannt tooo gooo see pappa said Roli.

Okay come outside I am waiting in car said Sid.

Roli nodded her head.

Sid went outside and sat on car.

Roli come and sat on car.

Sid drive car towards Roli home.

I will come to pick u in evening said Sid.

Roli nod her head and went inside.

Sid drive car towards his office.

Roli enter inside house.

Tejo coming out getting ready.

Roli calls Tejo getting happy seeing her.

Roli hugs her tight.

I miss-ed you said Roli.

Me too said Tejo kissing on her forehead.

By tthe way wheere arre you goiing ask Roli.

Papa factory since papa is ill someone needs to handle work na said Tejo.

Oh okayyy howww iss pappa ask Roli.

He is fine don't worry what about you and Sidhant ask Tejo.

Hee isss niccce yooou know he caare ssoo mucch said Roli.

I told you na he is nice guy try to mingle with him okay otherwise he will stop his efforts too said Tejo.

I I willll trry paakkka said Roli.

Good girl okay I have to leave getting late said Tejo and went hugging her.

Roli went to her parents room.

Found Meena making Jamnala have food with her hands.

But Roli didn't dare to go inside.

Meena found Roli outside.

She comes out.

Roli beta when u come ask Meena.

Jusst know Sidddhaant jii droppp me said Roli.

Is Sidhant happy with you ask Meena.

Roli get silent not knowing what to reply.

Listen Roli if you do something which your in laws send u it won't good for you said Meena.

Maaa I feeell scarrreeedd said Roli.

Stop your drama nothing to scared he is your husband he has rights on u. He can do whatever he wants. You just need to be with him understand said Meena.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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