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Warsor let me off my shift early, so I'm now wandering the town of Anchorhead. Of course not wandering exactly, I have to watch my back.

Anchorhead isn't as bad as Mos Eisley, but it still has its fair share of scum. There are bars with all sorts of bounty hunters and thieves, but it is the only reasonable place to get a job or, if you're unlucky, get mugged.

But, because of the mugging part, I always carry a blaster on me now. I saved up enough credits to purchase a blaster from some random merchant in the market square.

There really isn't an age restriction for the bars, so they let pretty much anyone in. I walk into a pretty laid back bar and grab myself a stool at the front. I tug at the bartender's shirt, making him turn around and raise his eyebrow.

"Bespin Breeze," I tell him and put some currency on the countertop.

"Sure thing, sweetheart," he says, making me cringe. I watch as he pours the drink and then sets it on the counter in front of me, then takes the credits. "Order up," He winks.

"You really are something Hiyz," I tease him. Hiyz and I go way back, with him being the one getting me the job at the station in the first place. Though he snatched the better job that paid better, I still am extremely thankful for him. He's the only one who knows my name on this planet, except for Papa of course.

Hiyz chuckles. "How's work at the shop?" he asks.

"Oh, same as always. Biggs and Blondie are still comin' in pretty much every day," I explain.

"Still havin' the terrors?" He also knows about those. I don't tell him what they're about, but he knows I have them. It's nice to tell someone other than my father things from my life. Plus, I can actually trust Hiyz, unlike most people on this retched planet.

"Mm," I groan. "It's like the universe doesn't want me to sleep."

"I'm sorry," he starts. Another customer bangs on the table, yelling for another drink. "Ah, hold that thought. I'll be right back."

He walks around the round table to the other customer leaving me to my thoughts; a terrible thing to leave me with.

"Hey there darlin'. Whassa' pretty little thing like you doing here all by your lonesome?" a drunken voice says from beside me. I ignore the man and continue to sip from my cup. "Hey, I'm talkin' to you!"

I turn my head and look at the drunk male. It's a Twi'lek, which is unusual for Anchorhead. But nevertheless, he's still drunk and hitting on me. Just my luck.

"Look pal, you don't want to be hitting on me. Just go home and sleep or whatever," I mumble the last bit.

The Twi'lek doesn't listen and he reaches for my arm, but I beat him to it and grab his wrist, twisting it and making him yell out in pain. I stand up and pin his arm against his back.

"Leave, now," I tell him, then release him. He seems to sober some at that and he bolts out of the bar. I slide back into my stool and pick up my cup, swirling the inside of it around.

"Dang Dusty, that was pretty cool," Hiyz says. Apparently the nickname Dusty is pretty popular with me.

"Eh," I shrug. "He deserved it."

"Some crook, huh," Hiyz starts. "Don't see too many of his kind out here."

"No we don't," I sigh. I finish the last of my drink and say my goodbyes to Hiyz. I hop back on my speeder and return home.

Hurray for another day without falling through time.


A bit of a shorter one, I know. But the chapters get longer as the story goes on, I promise. 


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