05- Oblivious Idiot

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Yibo's classes were canceled for the day, so he and his other friend, Li Wenhan, went over to Songyeon's house

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Yibo's classes were canceled for the day, so he and his other friend, Li Wenhan, went over to Songyeon's house. They sulked for an hour on Wednesday morning over a group project that had them frustrated, until they finally decided on an idea that seemed better than the others. 

Then, they spent time researching everything from music to timelines to a specific aspect of dance styles. It was a lot of work, and it was almost chaotic with the three of them. After all, they'd been dubbed the "chaotic trio" since kindergarten.

Cho Seongyeon decided he wanted answers to all his questions while Yibo was sleeping with all the information. "Yibo, you goof!" He yelled and slapped him awake.

Yibo snarled. "What the hell happened?" He was angry, or rather frustrated because his daydream had been a lovely one that had magically included Xiao Zhan at his best. He was about to embrace him from behind when his friend, goddamnit, woke him up.

"Dude, you were sleeping and come sit on the floor I, nope-we," he said, pointing to himself and Wenhan, "need answers." His friend exclaimed loudly, grabbing Yibo's hand. Yibo stumbled onto the floor and leaned against the glass doors leading to the balcony.

"What exactly do you want to know?" He inquired, yawning and twirling his hair.

"So, who is the guy from the spring festival?" his friend inquired, a snappy lift of his lips indicating his eagerness to annoy Yibo.

"His name is Xiao Zhan, and he's seven years my senior," Yibo said, bored. How many times was he going to tell the people around him this? It was, to say the least, vexing. It was aggravating that he was still sleepy after little to no sleep the night before. He had to work on the big-ass unique project that the professor handed out with a smirk. He had warned them that their full participation would be greatly appreciated.

"Wow, I didn't think you'd go for someone that much older," Wenhan remarked as he gulped grapes at an inhuman speed. Yibo snatched the bowl away from Wenhan, sniggering to irritate him even more. His friend only grimaced, unable to reach for the bowl he had snatched and was now eating from. Seongyeon rolled his eyes but didn't say anything about their childish behavior.

"Please tell us more!" They were both overjoyed about their best friend's new friend. Isn't that what Xiao Zhan was?

"Wait a minute," Yibo frowned, "what do you mean, go for someone older?" He inquired as he popped another grape into his mouth. Wenhan was tempted by this point and snatched the bowl back with a beam. Yibo raised his brow and resumed eating his apples casually.

Cho Seongyeon stared him down as if he'd sprouted a pair of elf ears. Wenhan had also stopped munching to stare incredulously at Yibo. "Dude, are you serious?" they both asked at the same time, their voices thick with disbelief like the maple syrup on pancakes.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." He said nonchalantly, allowing his head to drop back and his eyes to close. He was exhausted. He hadn't seen Xiao Zhan in two weeks unless he counted their Sunday morning coffee dates at the bistro. When he remembered the flowers, he smiled to himself. This time, the roses were red and white for the second time in a row, unlike before. He had pestered Xiao Zhan to tell him of his color preferences, but all he got was a buck teeth grin, which he adored and effectively caused him to temporarily forget his intentions.

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