Luxs pov:
Maybe I'll never forget that day, those yellow eyes, like the sun against the red sunset of her pigtails. The way her pigtails swung a bit at her ankles as she walked into the classroom, covered in dirt, sticks in her hair and all. This girl looked like she had just walked out from a fight with a bear, knowing her now I wouldn't put it past her that that might possibly be what happened.
But she, she was captivating. Everything about this girl pulled me in for absolutely no reason. The attitude? The demeanor? Maybe that was it, but I absolutely had to get to know her.
And there she was, silently sitting by a tree. Hugging her knees with the small brown sack that I assumed was her lunch placed beside her, obviously it hadnt been touched. Now was my chance! The perfect chance to introduce myself this had to work, most people liked me this would be a piece of cake! I finally walked over, the girl silently looked up at me cocking her head a bit as she did, she was waiting for me to talk. And so I did "Hello! My name is Luxanna but you can just call me Lux!" the words rolled off my tongue, as if they were practiced to be perfect. She just stared a few moments more almost surveying me as her eyes darted everywhere. A response finally fell from her lips, "The names Jinx, stands for Jinx!"
What an odd thing for someone to name a kid imagine looking at a baby and going "ah yes jinx! Youre going to be named bad luck"I had obviously been thinking yo myself for far to long at that point as a hand silently tapped my shoulder, snapping me into reality once again. "You done staring yet luxy?" luxy?? We are already on nickname basis apparently, I didnt mind, not one bit. Something in me just told me this was right, that having jinx with me was right. "Oh! Yes, I apologize" all my years and years of learning formalities and I was struggling with finding proper words just to talk to one girl, think Luxanna think shes going to think you're weird then its all over for you. suddenly the bell rang out, lunch was over. I quietly dismissed myself but Jinx? She followed right along beside me. Oh what a sight to see me the one girl at school who was deemed to have absolutely everything in life figured out and perfect, and the new girl who still looked like she fought a bear. But she just felt so right.. Jinx felt so right to me, I mean she was literally standing on the right side of me. Thats gotta be it, it feels right because shes on my right side.
What can I say other than that school day definitely did not fly by, my brain was so full of so many different thoughts I could hardly focus on one of them. After what could have felt like days the last bell went off. I packed up everything into my bag and there she was, her voice echoing through the classroom definitely catching a few looks "LUXY!" she had that smile... That wonderful smile of hers, that cheek to cheek grin that many would have called scary. But no, that smile was perfect. "Yes Jinx whats up?" I answered back, so very quiet based on how loudly she had said my name "Lets walk together! Like, walk home" of course I said yes, time with her went so fast i couldnt help but want to spend more and more time with her.
And that, that was the start of our routine. The routine that went on everyday for 4 years at this point, god we became star guardians together and still this routine never changed. And honestly I wouldn't trade that for the world. Neither would Jinx, she just wouldnt admit that. Walking to school together was a lot easier once we moved in together, with Poppy, Lulu and Janna of course. Sometimes Janna joined me and jinx on our little routine but not normally, she appreciated a quieter walk to school than one with jinx non-stop talking about whatever had peaked her interest that day. Which did tend to be many different things, the bomb she was making, how much she hated her sisters girlfriend. And many other things I can't remember at this exact moment. It was all just addictive, listening to Jinx was addictive.
I mean of course it's addictive, shes my best friend. That's how everyone feels about their best friend, they can't get enough of them. Thats why it's called a best friend, they're your favourite person in the world. I had been thinking so much I barely noticed a new presence on our walk, until its arm was around me. "Well good morning star bright!" Ezreal, one of our other star guardian friends. Well, one of my star guardian friends, Jinx always had a little distaste for him. "Hey Ez, I was kinda having my arm around my flashlight until you so rudely pushed it off." She was staring daggers at him, Jinx had always had a thing for physical touch, an insatiable want to be near me. Is she jealous right now? No that can't be it, she just woke up late, she's in a bad mood is all. That has to be it.
The only thing pulling me out of my thoughts was that slim hand wrapping around my waist, pulling me in and away from Ezreal. "Well Luxy, you and I should get to class before we get in trouble!" I looked at her like she was absolutely insane, and apparently Ezreal thought the same thing. "You? Jinx? Don't want to get in trouble?"Ezreal spoke before I had even gotten the chance to respond. "What can I say? I've turned a new leaf! Now come on my flashlight, it's time for chemistry!" I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye before jinx was running off with me giggling. That addictive sound that I just loved hearing. That perfect sound however, was interrupted by the late bell.

The stars cradled her
FanfictionIm a sucker for dumb gay star people that fight things that is all Also luxs team all living together has a tiny little special place with me so that exists because why not