A girl?

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And there I was standing in an empty hallway😒.

But this hallway is different there are torches everywhere. I kept on walking when I saw A big  rectangle standing up in A wall I think it's painting, there is A cloth covering it.

I took the cloth because...why not?.

There I saw the painting of 2 people A beautiful woman and A handsome Man they must be married?.

And now I look around this big Painting I saw A beautiful young woman she looked like she has the age same as me.

I heard some footsteps. There is someone here?.

I'm looking for something to hide it might be A professor who knows?.

I found A small closet and hid in it, just in time the footsteps are here. I looked through A small hole.

I saw A...Girl

She touched the painting, she looked like she's the Girl in the painting.

"Hey Mum, Hey dad it's been ages since you two passed away I missed you two" she said as she started to cry.

Who is she I didn't saw her earlier in the hallway when we were being sorted in our houses and she looked different,dress different.

She is wearing all black with A black cape she looked like A vampire, wait what if she is A vampire.

"Ya boo boo"

I flinched as I saw A rabbit?

What is A rabbit doing here, the vampire girl looked around, oh she is so beautiful no wait I'm in trouble stop it Draco you need to focus on what situation your in you need to get out or you'll die.

"Bunnicula?" She said as she started to come closer in the closet I'm hiding, maybe she is looking for this bunny who also looked like A vampire.

"Bunnicula?" She said as she started to come closer in the closet I'm hiding, maybe she is looking for this bunny who also looked like A vampire

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"Y/n ma here"
"Bunnicula are you in here?"

I grabbed the rabbit he was about to speak but I covered his mouth to stop him from speaking, as the girl started to walk towards the closet slowly.

"Bunnicula? Why do you smell weird?"

I started to shake as she was getting close to me.

"I know your in there" what does she mean?

She just sighed, "Draco is it?" My eyes widened how did she know?

Did she already knew earlier I'm here? Is she going to kill me?

Wait why am I asking questions like that ofc she knew me she is A vampire, she will kill me! This is the end of me!.

"Let go of my bunny" she yelled, I didn't realize she already opened it because of my thinking.

"I said let go of my bunny" she yelled again I quickly gave her the bunny.

I just sat down as I started to cry. I'm going to die...

"Uhhh, Hey? Did I scare you?" She asked gently as she sat down beside me, the closet was big though.

"Please don't kill me"
"Why would I kill you?"
"Because your A vampire?"
"Oh yeah but no I don't kill people"

I started to calm down knowing I won't die.

"Your Draco Malfoy right?"
"Yeah, what's your name?"
"Y/n Retalla"
"Retalla I haven't heard you before"
"Because you didn't"

Who is she?

I looked at the painting she must be the girl in there.

"Are they your parents?"
"Where are they?"
"They passed away 5 years ago"
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that"
"No it's fine" she said as she smiled at me, she is so pretty.

"How old are you?"
"Nice joke Y/n"
"I'm not joking"
"Oh yeah well I won't fall into it"
"What do you mean?"
"I know you are joking"
"No I'm not joking Draco"
"Y/n just tell me how old are you really"
"I just said it earlier, I'm 111 and I'm turning 112 this year, and reminder I'm A vampire"
"Oh yeah your A vampire"
"How about you?"

I can't believe she is that old she really looked like she just had the same age as me.

"Wait, Y/n what are you doing in here?" I asked like what is she really doing here?.

"I live in here" she said calmly, what?! She live in here in this empty place?

"No, I had my bunny, my parents gave him to me before they died" she said with A sad voice

"Did the professors locked you here?"
"Well they put me here it does sound like they Locked me here but no they put me here so no one can harm me"
"Oh, how did the professors know you?"
"Headmaster Dumbledore and my parents were very good friends, he was my god father though. After my parents died they left me to Dumbledore"

"I see" I seem to understand now.

"Krrrrrrr" the bunny purred (why does is sound like it's A cat)

"Is his name Bunnicula?"
"He is cute"
"I know"

"Draco I think you need to go now it's now late you had classes tomorrow" she said as she stands up.

"Yeah your right Y/n, goodbye Y/n it was nice meeting you" I said as I stands up.

"It was nice meeting you too" she said smiling while holding her bunny.


"Is it ok if I comeback?"
"Ofc, just don't get caught"
"Ofc I won't get caught"
"Bye Draco"
"Bye Y/n"

I started to walk away, wait, I don't even know how to go back!

"Y/n!" I yelled as I run going back to her.

"Yes, Draco?" She asked.

"I don't know how to comeback"
"*chuckled* let's go I'll teach you"

We walked back to the place where I supposed to go back.

"Just push this brick on just how you came here earlier" she said as she pointed A brick.

"You won't come with me?"
"Sorry Drac I cant maybe next time"
"Oh ok bye"

We bid to each other as I pushed the brick and  I found my self in the Hallway.

I walked back to my private dorm and just lay in the bed thinking about what happened.

Until I just fell Asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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