~what the hell/telling~

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this is two parts in one so you all better enjoy it since it almost 2am when i'm writing this so yeah-

Luca and Alberto went back to school the next day and Alberto was the first one to see Giulia smirking. he knew something was definitely up. he knew she had done something once again! then,everyone started whispering and laughing at the two

Luca went closer to Alberto,a little upset and confused. he knew Giulia did something. He took Luca and went closer to Giulia. He was done. he grabbed her arm and brung her to the corner they were at the time this exact thing happened before. he looked at her seriously "What.the hell.did you do this time." he says "fine! i took a video of you two making out last night and sent it to everybody!" she admits.

Alberto looked at her angrily. "not only did you do this AGAIN but you SPIED?!" he shouts. he was so pissed off by this point everyone was scared. "Alberto, amore mio,calm down please" Luca tried saying. all until Alberto pushed him to the ground. Giulia and everyone else put a hand over their mouths.

Alberto froze instantly. he had just realized what he had done. he looked at Luca,who was still on the floor,and was crying. he instantly got down and hugged Luca. "im sorry amore mio..i was just upset" he explains. he was shocked when Luca actually hugged back "its ok..i forgive you" Luca says smiling. they let go and stand up "and Giulia,i guess i forgive you too" Luca says smiling once more. Giulia smiles and hugs them both "im sorry to you both..i should've just let your relationship be" she explains

Luca was fine but Alberto wasn't letting Giulia get away that easily...

After school,Alberto didn't meet up with Luca,he went straight to the dorm room. he was telling Massimo since Giulia promised she would be better this year and hasn't been one bit. he soon arrived at the dorm and threw his stuff down and ran to the kitchen and called Massimo immediately. Luca didn't get home till about 6pm since he had after school classes so that gave Alberto plenty of time to tell

soon,Massimo answered the phone "Alberto! its wonderful to hear from you!" Massimo explained "Hey Massimo! im glad to be talking to you again but this is about Giulia" Alberto says "Alright im Listening" Massimo says "so recently me and Luca got together and started dating. the first time i told her she went crazy and came to our Dorm and started almost hitting Luca. she soon told the school fake things about us and they went crazy at Luca. and me and him had a fun night last night and she spied,took a video of us and sent it to everyone in the school" Alberto says. Massimo was shocked to hear that Giulia did all of that

"i'll take care of this at summer alright?" Massimo says "Yes,got it." Alberto says "Thank you for telling me all of this" Massimo says "anytime! i'll talk later bye!" Alberto says "bye Alberto" Massimo says. Luca got back a few hours later and Alberto ran up to him. "Luca!" he shouts. Luca was confused since Alberto never did this. he felt his head. oh shit- Alberto was fucking drunk

heyy! so im working on another Luberto story that i've wanted to make for A LONG time so go read the first to parts! they are long and hopefully the other parts will be too! ily all sm! and i hope you have a wonderful day/evening/or night! byeee!

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