Random smut

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We just moved and I finished the story before we moved and I'll be publishing this when I get WiFi sorry for the delay again

"Excuse me sir Um your coffee is running a little late" the small female said

"Whatever just get it or I'll fire you"
A 6'0 foot male with white hair and the darkest onyx eyes said
(my phone auto corrected kakashi as kakashit 💀)

"O-Ok sir I'll see what I can do but for now-"
Kakashi slightly turned his head to face the girl

She smiled unbuttoning her button up

"Please put your button your shirt ms. Chiyo " he said

"Oh please you want me huh I've seen the way you look at me" she whispered in his ear

He pushed her to the side
"Ms chiyo I'm sorry but you're fired get out now" he informed her

He sighed

"Huh!? But sir?! Please"

Kakashi groaned and called security

He chuckled as they took her as soon as they went in the elevator he turned noticing her shirt on his floor he smirked and opened his blinds slightly

He laughed watching when the security threw her out and locked the doors

She was in her bra and skirt

Everyone stared at her giggling and whispering about her she stayed there shocked and frozen

Kakashi picked up the shirt he opened window then threw the shirt out

He smirked at her and closed his window and blinds he sat back down angrily

"Where the fuck is my coffee?"

"S-sorry sit here's your coffee!"
Kakashi jumped slightly he noticed it was his assistant iruka

He adored iruka he loved his beautiful brown hair and his light brown eyes

"Iruka your late" he snapped

Iruka apologized countless times before handing his coffee "there was a lot of people and there was this man that didn't
Know what to get and he kept asking about everything and-"

Iruka gasped he was being kissed by his boss he kissed back moaning into his mouth

Kakashi smirked and pulled away he locked the door he then pushed Iruka into a wall attacking his neck Iruka covered his mouth to muffle his moans

Kakashi took notice to this and ripped his hands from his mouth pulling them over his head

"Don't cover" he muttered iruka groaned

"B-ah-but if they H-eAr hah~"
Kakashi chuckled "sound proof babe"
He kissed the shorter in the mouth exploring his mouth with his tongue

Iruka small squeaks and moans and kakashi's groans and growls filled the room

Iruka looked up at kakashi he slowly lowered down onto his knees

He looked up to kakashi for consent to suck him off kakashi chuckled and nodded

He unbuckled his belt pulling his pants down slowly he saw kakashi's tent in his boxers he winced and pulled them down

He muttered under his breath feeling his boner get harder by the second

Iruka observes the pink wet tip and how long it was he noticed the pre-cum

He put his hands on the base and touched the tip he licked the side before licking the tip before taking all of it

Kakashi was big and iruka loved it so much

Kakashi groaned and slightly moaned
"Holy fuck iruka~" he covered his eyes with his hand before looking down

He groaned at the sign of iruka sucking his cock he pulled iruka's hair (sussy Baka) he face fucked him until
He pulled him up picking him up iruka wrapped his legs around his waist

Kakashi made his way to his desk throwing everything out of the way he placed the brunette down before pulling him into a kiss they kissed until they were out of breath

"Kakashi please~" the brunette moaned
Kakashi smirked "what?" He Stared
At iruka blushing face "kakashi please god please fuck- me" he said

Kakashi chuckled before pulling his and iruka's slacks and boxer off

He stroked his cock twice before looking at iruka

"Prep or no prep?"

Iruka hesitated to say no he shook his head

He ignored the fact that's it's gonna hurt like a bitch

Kakashi slowly pushes his dick into iruka's entrance he winced at the pain he felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes 

Kakashi thrusted slowly he kissed iruka's neck to distract him from the pain he bit down and kissed he gave him hickies all over his neck

Iruka's moaned softly when that pain turned into pleasure he mumbled "faster" into kakashi's ear

Kakashi groaned and gripped Iruka's thighs he placed his legs onto this shoulders thrusting quickly into iruka's entrance "w-wait~ k-kAKAsHi Ah-HAh~" 

Kakashi groaned at the moaning in his ears he moaned softly before thrusting at an inhumane pace Iruka's legs fell down from kakashi's shoulders

Kakashi grabbed iruka legs that fell down at held it up 

You could now visibly see kakashi's cock thristing into Iruka

"F-fuck I'm close-" Iruka said

Kakashi smiled

And stopped he picked up the smaller
He sat on his chair he smirked and laid back iruka looked at him confused

Kakashi looked down at him
"If you want it so bad do it yourself" 

Iruka gasped softly at he bounced he grabbed ahold of kakashi's shoulders he bounced in his own pace kakashi eyed him like a hawk watching iruka unravel into a mess

He looked down at his dick which was 4 inches smaller
He stroked iruka's 5 inch dick he loved hearing his moans and whimpers

"God~ fuck kakashi" he moaned

Kakashi looked at his uke's belly 
He noticed his outline of his dick he chuckled before playing with iruka's dick

Iruka mumbled and came on his and kakashi's chest kakashi was also close

He thrusted his hips upward hitting iruka's prostate

"HAh~! KakAsHi~!"

Kakashi's eyes widened he pushed iruka downward repeatedly abusing his prostate

"Fuck I'm close~"
Iruka's loud moans alerted kakashi to look up and that's all it took for him to cum

He came inside the brunette

His mind replayed that scene over over and over again until he came again

He looked down at iruka he panicked when he noticed he had passed out

He cleaned him and himself up a little and pulled his pants up he chuckled to himself and placed iruka on his chair to nap

Yea the end I'll be continuing this story unless. . . I'm just kidding I'll be continuing this but I'll see u in a couple days

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