Chapter 21: Who is she??

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I was kinda fucking nervous. Noya wanted to meet me tomorrow at the cherry blossom tree. I don't know why. It just... feels weird. What does he even want to tell me anyways? Why couldn't have he done it there and then in the nurses office. Or could he just text me?  He really has me spinning. I put down my phone as I settled myself in the sheets. What if he likes me? And confesses? What if doesn't want to see me? What if I have the wrong fucking idea. God Y/N you're so stupid oh my god. Sigh. 

-Noya POV-

God I don't know if I should tell him. I haven't exactly wrapped myself over my feelings for him. I don't know how I should tell him. He is really cute but what if he doesn't feel the same? Aerosexual? I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking. C'mon Nishinoya you can do it. Can I? I decided to message Tanaka for help. 


He tanaka



Hey noya! What do you need?


Well... I told Y/N


That you like him?

That's great!



But I wanna tell him...


Then do it!

Remember, you only have about 3 weeks before shitface oikwa get the chance to use his power to prevent you from seeing him...


Ik ik

But I did tell him that I wanted to meet him at the cherry blossom tree at the back of the school


That's great! I'll help you!


Thx thats why I messaged. Idk what exactly to say and how to say it...


Meet me at school 7:15am sharp!! Don't be late!

Also what time did you ask him to meet you btw?


Around 12:05 or 12:15pm



I switched off my phone to try and calm myself down. Tomorrow I need to win him over!

-1 New Message-

Ugh it's Natalie.

-Natalie xoxo-

Hey cutie!😘


Omfg I blocked you I swear

Can u not

-Natalie xoxo-

Not what senpai? 


How many time does it take to tell you I'm not interested! Imbed that in your thick skull please I beg of you..

-Natalie xoxo-

You'll come around I know it! 💖


I will when you learn how to fuck off at the right time...

-Natalie xoxo-

Ugh rude


God when will she get that message.

-The Next Day-


"HEYYY Y/NN! WAKE UPP!" The usual Hinata rooster arrived to awake me from my slumber.

I opened the window to shout down another constant reminder that Hinata needs more self awareness of the word neighbors. Yes. Neighbors. They exist. Let them sleep at this time Jesus Christ. 

I dressed myself up ready for school and I left my house to meet up with Hinata outside.

"Well..." I said to Hinata. I told him that Noya wanted to meet me at the cherry blossom tree. His face beamed itself with happiness. He pretty much started shipping me and Nishinoya together when I told him how I felt about Noya.

"But what if it isn't that Hinata? Why else do you think he wants to meet up with you at a specific time and place?" 

"I don't know." He replied, resting his hands on his head as we walked to school.

-Time skip bought to you by my shitty writing proccess while I listen to Arca-

It was 12:05pm. As me and Hinata both walked out of class I felt Hinata grab my shoulder. 

"You got this." He said to me. I gave him a small smile. I was so fucking nervous.

-Noya POV-

"Nishinoya, remember what I told you!" Tanaka patted me on the back. I was almost ready. The delicate wings of butterflies couldn't stop stroking the insides of my stomach. I was prepared, but nervous. I haven't done anything like this before. This was a big step for me. 

I saw Y/N walk out of the doors of the canteen, a short distance from the back of the school as he began to approach the cherry tree. I was behind it mainly because I was nervous. My heartbeat began to increase as he came closer, until soft, pale hands grabbed mine and lips pressed against bottom lip. Natalie.

"Natalie get off me!"


I heard a squeal from behind the tree. I was shook. It was some bitch making out with Nishinoya. I felt pure anger and rage take over me.

"Noya what the actual fuck!?" I stormed off trying to hold back my tears. I wasn't just angry but at the same time I was super fucking embarrassed. As I pushed past everyone in the halls and ran to the school entrance. I can't fucking deal with this, I'm out of this bitch.

-Noya POV-

I ran after Y/N. 

"Y/N wait!" I shouted to him. He stopped and turned to me. His face was red and eyes were puffy. The tears looked like scars as the sunlight broke onto his face. I felt a hard hand press my cheek and throw me to the ground. He slapped me.

"Don't fucking talk to me..." He ran off. I put my hand on my cheek to the area he slapped me as the blood rushed to my inner cheek, I began to cry.

"Hey... at least we can have out time..." I heard Natalie giggle. That was the last straw.

"Shut up you stupid bitch! You ruined my only chance of getting with someone I really like! How many times do I have to say leave me alone! Just fuck off..."

I got up and stormed off the opposite direction that Y/N exited school.


As I reached home I slammed my door shut and threw my bag across the room. I sunk to the floor with my back pressing the wall. Why was I so angry? Me and him weren't even dating... I wish we were... It hurts so bad...

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