Chapter 3

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trigger warning i forgot
to mention on the
info chapter:

gender discrimination / sexism.

3rd Person’s POV | Sebastian


“I want you to infiltrate the Shinsai syndicate.”

Ramiel’s words rang through Sebastian’s head like a mantra until it faded into the back of his brain. His brows furrowed, and once the information finally sinks in, his eyes widened in confusion and surprise.

“E-Excuse me but, infiltrate? Why? And why me? I’m a sniper, not a spy. Someone else can do it better-”

Ramiel brought a paper up closer to Sebastian’s vision, one that he had been holding earlier. It was Sebastian’s information sheet possessed and kept by him.

“No one from the Shinsai syndicate, or anyone in general, knows who you are. So you’re perfectly fine as a spy.” Ramiel stated calmly, bringing his hand down to the desk as Sebastian took his information sheet on his hands. “We don’t have anyone to assassinate anyway. Not at the moment, at least.”

Sebastian hesitantly placed his paper down on Ramiel’s desk. There’s still a large chunk of unresolved and unanswered questions in his head, so he decided to ask them one by one.

“What is the motive behind this? Why do you want to meddle into their own business now?”

“You may not know in full, but the Shinsai syndicate is not on their best shape right now. The whole syndicate is basically split in half ever since the new female kumicho took over. I want to take this opportunity to extract information from them through you, so we can pull them apart.”

The kumicho answered calmly once again, as if his plan really doesn’t sound ridiculous at the slightest. Sebastian on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows even more as he tried to analyze this plan.

Shinsai is split in half? Extract information, and pull then apart?

These were vague information, but Sebastian tried his best to piece them tigether as best as he could.

What could this mean? We basically infiltrate another syndicate while they’re on their weakest point, and once we’ve stolen enough information, we will use it against them to destroy them until nothing is left?

This is..

A call for war.

His eyes widened at the realization, suddenly slamming both of his hands loud against the desk and startling the kumicho’s boyfriend, and for a moment he completely forgot that he is talking to his kumicho.

“Ramiel, we can’t! This is- if we do this, we are basically setting up a war!”

His kumicho remained unfazed, looking up at him with stone cold eyes, now with a hint of annoyance.

“So what if we set up a war?”

“Your men are not prepared for a war yet- and what about Kuro-kai? What if they get dragged into this, or they decide to back Shinsai, and we get outnumbered?”

“The Kuro-kai will stay neutral.”

“Like hell they’ll stay like that forever!—”

“I don’t need your advice on this, Sheep. You will do what I ask you to do and not to question my decision any further.”

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